Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] [conj] [pron] [is] a " in BNC.

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1 This study in a large population of patients with Zollinger-Ellison sydrome aimed to search for a differential pattern of gastric endocrine cells between patients with sporadic type Zollinger-Ellison sydrome and those with the syndrome and MEN 1 , and to establish whether there is a real predominance of ECL cell tumours in the second group .
2 Assistance in all these areas would provide the chance for musicians to develop their own potential and to discover whether there is an audience for their music .
3 A typical approach is to assume a ratio of hydrogen to helium which is the same or fairly similar to that measured in the atmosphere , and to assume that there is a small fraction of heavier elements and their compounds which may be concentrated in a core or dispersed to a greater or lesser extent .
4 Rather than all the rare qualities discussed , the person serving young people in the latter part of the century needs to be able to work in a no-nonsense way with young people , to be a good manager prepared to fight for a fair share of the funds , to ensure that staff are able to devote a generous amount of time to users of the services in groups and as individuals , and to ensure that there is a good stock of books and other materials to explore .
5 To smooth out irregularities and to ensure that there is a unique local minimum the graph is first approximated to degree 4 by Legendre polynomials .
6 Countries must also be willing to move towards multi-party democracy , and to ensure that there is a chance for dialogue to take place .
7 The consultation exercise proposed for Greatham is in order to appraise the public of the current situation , and to check whether there is a need to change the proposals .
8 Er , I refer , first of all to the continuing links we have with the church in Hungary and to remind that there is a , a party of young who are currently negotiating the er , visit to Hungary at this present time .
9 I think they 're going to make it , but to pretend that it 's a foregone conclusion or a walkover or anything like that would be quite unrealistic .
10 It is clear what Mill 's answer would have to be : ‘ Yes , since to see that something is a certain colour is to be aware of the mere resemblance between a present sensation and a remembered past one . ’
11 Such an order may be made so as to ensure that there is a home for the children of the marriage .
12 There is another duty also to be considered : and that is the duty which Lord Atkin put in this wise : ‘ You must not injure your neighbour : ’ which I would expand so as to say that there is a duty on every man not to injure his neighbour by his want of reasonable care .
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