Example sentences of "[conj] [pos pn] [noun sg] that [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 ( perhaps one should say that as such a psychological statement it would express my awareness that I have the belief rather than my belief that I have the belief , since belief is not quite the right word in this context , but let us leave such qualifications to be understood . )
2 But the Housing Executive hit back at Ms McGinley 's extraordinary protest and her claim that they do not care about her family 's plight .
3 Well if we 're continually in contact with people as growing children who do n't allow us to express our feelings , or who behave in a way that would seem to deny that those feelings of hate and rage and love in their extremes exist at all , then obviously one does n't develop a sense of trust in what one perceives from oneself , and that erm on erm an accumulative basis is going to result in a person who does n't feel terribly confident about the feelings and their awareness that they have .
4 I regret to inform him that , as things stand , he gives the impression that he intends to cling , right reason or none , to his position of power over a people who have consistently told him and his party that they want no part of it .
5 In his speech he said , ‘ May I suggest to you and your Council that you have the debate I suggested about the economic and environmental factors and then set out to provide leadership for the industry in reconciling these items . ’
6 But his insistence that she leave everything to him had only served to strengthen her determination to be independent .
7 It is as much due to his neglect as my intervention that you find yourself thus , cut off from normal society .
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