Example sentences of "[conj] [pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 The left haunch was matted red with blood where my pellet had hit it .
2 at a time after the guest has arrived at the hotel , either the property in question was offered for deposit as aforesaid and the proprietor or his servant refused to receive it , or the guest or some other guest acting on his behalf wished so to offer the property in question but , through the default of the proprietor or a servant of his , was unable to do so .
3 Unless a serious breach of your contract has taken place , or your employer has made it clear that it will take place , you should not leave in a huff .
4 And I have lots of letters which I discovered about five years ago , which I thought were probably letters that my father had written it , Adam , because his name and my grandfather 's name were exactly the same .
5 I know that my father did use it for a while , lighting the stove with it , but he has n't for a while .
6 Yeah , it 's like you could actually , I mean once my mum had pointed it out , I 'd never had noticed , but you walked into the bathroom and you thought , yeah ,
7 Some Budweiser , nice one , get down this , comes back with two bottles says go and get another one , go get another , go on , once my dad starts going it 's fucking wonderful , he do n't stop buying it 's great stuff .
8 They corresponded regularly while he was away , although her mother had forbidden it .
9 At first , Henry had not been able to believe that her therapist had got it so right .
10 She then said she had somehow ‘ known ’ it would happen , that all her fears had been justified — instead of realising that her terror had pulled it into her life .
11 Worse than that was the knowledge that his mother had found it , presumably in the loft .
12 A DECADE ago the sparkling new headquarters building and executive jet were corporate status-symbols , sure signs that your company had made it .
13 The train was substantially made of strong timber and my father had painted it green — the livery colour of the London and South Western Railway .
14 I got more of a role in the whole thing than the Colonel had figured on — I do n't know if my mistress had intended it from the start .
15 It is now fairly certain that the Australia antigen represents part of the virus responsible for type B hepatitis and its discovery has made it easier to determine the modes of transmission and the presence of a ‘ carrier ’ state , in which the infected person may suffer no ill health from his disease but is still capable of passing it on to others .
16 ‘ That idiot Amanda ’ , Hortensia said , ‘ has let her long hair grow even longer during the hols and her mother has plaited it into pigtails .
17 It was as filled with rare and handsome things as any other in the palazzo , yet it had a different feel to it , as if its owner had furnished it more with an eye to what pleased him than to effect .
18 When his father had died twelve months ago and his grandmother had made it clear she was n't going to give him a home , he 'd wondered what would happen to him .
19 We were looking forward to gorging ourselves , but the buyer was a restaurateur and his chef had skinned it so cleanly that there was n't enough flesh for a sandwich ) .
20 If you and your kind had made it obligatory for a ship to carry a drogue , all ready bent , for letting go , I would have let one go .
21 You and your kind have got it all wrong .
22 So if our mum had cut it up into twelve pieces and then only three people wanted pizza so she cut it up into twelve twelfths and then said who wants pizza and only three people wanted pizza she 'd now have to put some of these twelfths back together again then and just three of us how many twelfths would we get ?
23 But my colleague has brought it forward on a matter of safety .
24 My baby was very ill , and I wanted you to baptize him , but my father refused to allow it .
25 But its nakedness does make it appear extremely ugly to many cat enthusiasts and does not seem to compensate for its oddity-value .
26 But his intervention has made it much more difficult to forecast the result .
27 But your Service wants to get it all sorted and giftwrapped for them ?
28 But your father 's taken it dreadfully .
29 Hayley I tell you what , have a word with my mother because my mother 's done it for years , always taken tablets , and I reckon this is half her problem now cos she 's got to her old age she 's on the change , and these things have affected her throughout her life now .
30 But their choices remained either in the storeroom or in the window because her father had made it a rule that the window was n't to be cleared until the day before Christmas Eve .
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