Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The result is a silent melodrama with a comic touch , as the heroine pilots the wounded hero through the desert to safety or drives her sledge across the snowy Canadian wastes .
2 This is so , for example , if its inclusion is not material for the purposes of giving a true and fair view or if , in effect , the parent is not able to exercise dominance over the subsidiary or holds its interest in the subsidiary exclusively with a view to resale , or the information necessary for group accounts can not be obtained without disproportionate delay or expense .
3 But it does make clear a belief that the divine being reveals or manifests its nature in the world .
4 there is only one exception : if a wife owns the property or has her name on the rent book or has the property because of her job , her husband is regarded as the head of household , provided that he is resident ( our italics ) .
5 Every staff member who leaves , retires or ceases their employment of the Bank , should be replaced by a full-time official .
6 ‘ I just hope we can catch up with him before he gets knocked down by a car or finds his way off the roads into open countryside or woodland where it will be harder to find him . ’
7 So , if the horse rears or puts its tongue over the bit , the chances are that it has been hurt in the mouth by a rider with bad hands .
8 When the driver pushes the throttle button or puts his foot on the pedal , there is none of the usual mechanical linkage there to swing into action .
9 Is there any internal evidence which increases or decreases our confidence in the writer ?
10 In the centre of the island are the fire mountains — dormant volcanoes — where the temperature is 400 degrees a few feet below the surface , and you can find a restaurant that grills your steak on the native rock .
11 It encourages individuals to make a personal pledge to change their lives in a way that minimises their impact on the environment — each of the eight pledges shown here will make a real difference .
12 Yet one understands and sympathizes with the reader who urges for that word to be said ( even as he/she understands that it can not be ) , and no amount of earnest preaching that this is the way things are , that no certainties can be reached , will attenuate the sense of frustration that accompanies our contemplation of the ruins .
13 How about a restaurant set in the vaults of a medieval monastery , lit by candles and with a menu that owes its variety to the best raw material found around the world ?
14 For it is prayer that enlivens our attitude towards the Bible , and that keeps open the channel of communication between ourselves and God .
15 One is led to conclude from all this that despite some tactical ‘ victories ’ here and there , the British point of view with respect to policy in the EEC has not on the whole prevailed , any more than has its influence over the development of the institutional framework of the Community .
16 Word Whiz is a word challenge game that measures your knowledge of the English language .
17 The commission for a new tomb for the philosopher , to replace the simple stone that marks his grave on the Catalan coast , had been given to the Israeli artist Dani Karavan in 1989 by the Arbeitskreis Selbständiger Kulturinstitut and was to be financed to the tune of DM1 million by the German Foreign Ministry .
18 The result is a mid-engined sports racing car for the road that borrows its styling from the Pininfarina Mythos .
19 For a number of shopaholics , however , that price turns out to be dizzyingly high — when shopping turns from a pleasure , or an occasional treat , into an uncontrollable obsession that chomps its way through the bank account , with sometimes disastrous effects .
20 The brewery , which blends so harmoniously with its surroundings , is fed from a four acre lake that draws its water from the infant River Dickler .
21 In fact it may be a good idea to introduce a large catfish , for example , and one of the suckermouth catfish , like Hypostomus to clean up any of the uneaten food that finds its way to the bottom of the tank .
22 As in Belcourt I think to myself : I am seeing what he saw , the same light , the sky , but it fails to work as it should ; it changes nothing , neither enhances nor diminishes my experience of the place .
23 His legacy as an artist is contained in a single novel , Homeboy , the tale of a charming , drug-addicted , dope-dealing , pimping , strip-show barker who finds salvation , gets the girl ( the whore with the heart of gold ) , and rides his motorcycle into the sunset and , presumably , a happy ending .
24 From 1655 to 1656 he was especially fearful about the Quakers and records their progress in the neighbourhood .
25 maybe like Todd 's standing by the lake yeah and Jim 's like pissed out of his head and comes driving along in the truck and drives his truck into the lake or something .
26 His fist crunches into my left cheek and drives my head against the ground .
27 The modern world is one which confuses and plunders our sense of the past ; one where even the concept of ‘ heritage ’ itself is hi-jacked and distorted .
28 A raven flies past , looking dead black in the flat lighting , and croaks his way up the valley .
29 Player ( ) has a one period life and receives its payoff at the end of its period of existence .
30 He , having lost all his money gambling or speculating in stocks , seizes such a weapon from the wall , kills her and dumps her body in the alley .
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