Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] [verb] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Contemporary changes therefore need to be placed in the context of a continuous process of change in English rural society that has affected both the character and the structure of English villages throughout their history .
2 If we stand back and consider the structure which has resulted from the combination of primary rules of obligation with the secondary rules of recognition , change and adjudication , it is plain that we have here not only the heart of a legal system , but a most powerful tool for the analysis of much that has puzzled both the jurist and the political theorist …
3 Each eye that looks to wear away the glass a little bit .
4 He looks like hell and sounds awful … the nascent Mancunian drawl is weak and strained , his hands shake , and there 's a muscle by his jaw that keeps twitching violently every time there 's a lull in the conversation
5 The nascent Mancunian drawl is weak and strained , his hands shake , and there 's a muscle by his jaw that keeps twitching violently every time there 's a lull in the conversation .
6 Jesus has been travelling around and has got quite a reputation from his preaching and healing exploits .
7 And I mean the actual the U K market those in those areas is quite developed and has got quite a reputation but obviously it has got to be able to develop develop and adapt accordingly over time .
8 The present Portuguese Presidency is however pushing for a decision and has put forward a compromise solution .
9 This has no practical purpose whatsoever but has become rather a measure of ability — if you can duck gybe it is an indication that you must be quite good .
10 Insofar as ‘ History ’ names the horizon of totalization of those ethico-political meanings that point in the direction of social change , it here not only loses its single meaning , but threatens to lose even the bases on which its meaning is constituted .
11 You might charitably allow an Academic with spellcasting powers an Int test ( with a -25 penalty ) to recognize that this ritual does n't seem to have anything to do with travel , but does have quite a lot to do with death and blood .
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