Example sentences of "[conj] [was/were] [vb pp] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was that chap that was sacked up the country was n't he ?
2 The Road to serfdom ( 1944 ) carried a standard that was unfurled again a generation later .
3 Er we used to have the the works magazine that was come out every month .
4 In the Joint Committee that was set up the conflict was , in Hanrott 's words , ‘ played cool ’ , but it was conflict nevertheless .
5 Paley begins Natural Theology with a famous passage : In crossing a heath , suppose I pitched my foot against a stone , and were asked how the stone came to be there ; I might possibly answer , that , for anything I knew to the contrary , it had lain there for ever : nor would it perhaps be very easy to show the absurdity of this answer .
6 The two were never in danger and were helped down the trail by the men whose job it is to protect all presidents and vice-presidents .
7 After his second King George , in 1959 , he had developed tendon trouble and was given nearly a year 's rest by trainer Fulke Walwyn , but if anything he was improving with age , and he had gone through the 1961–2 season unbeaten .
8 He came across it raiding his fruit garden , unwisely wounded it with buckshot , and was chased up a tree for his trouble .
9 1836 It was moved that the dinner which had been assessed on the public be discontinued and was carried on the casting vote of the Chairman .
10 Sally lost her baby pre-term and was told only a fortnight later , ‘ Just get on with having the next one , dearie . ’
11 Clare was let off the residential weekend which is a normal part of the selection process and was taken on the strength of her interview and written application .
12 He was educated privately and , from 1868 , at Pembroke College , Oxford , where he read classics but was awarded only a pass degree , graduating BA in 1872 .
13 Their Rolls Royce image was dented for a while by accusations of unethical behaviour in raiding from clients , but was restored once the business had expanded into other sectors and gained a name as a generalist .
14 However , that does n't have an effect on our er ability to agree a figure of three three for the city itself , in the structure plan , because the work we 've done on the local plan taking into account commitments and suitable allowances for small sites , does indicate to us that a figure of three three is achievable , but would be extremely difficult to exceed , the difference here between the four thousand and the three three does , however , have an impact on our neighbours clearly , and as was mentioned yesterday the City Council does own some some twenty nine hectares of land outside its current boundary , er located in the Ryedale District Council area , that land , some of that land has planning consent , the remainder is allocated in the draft Southern Ryedale local plan and was excluded from the greenbelt , that land it is the City Council 's intention to use to meet its er requirements for affordable housing , could accommodate some seven hundred dwellings , I think it is very important for me to emphasize that that is a very clear commitment of the City Council , and therefore that land in Ryedale would not er in the majority of its case be available for open market use , we would be seeking to use it to meet er affordable housing requirements .
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