Example sentences of "[conj] [was/were] [adj] for [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 With cool detachment he had explained clearly and in terms that were easy for her to grasp how the various items of equipment worked , only lapsing into irritation or sarcasm when he thought she was not making enough effort .
2 During the months of recuperation and the months of rediscovering himself as a changed person , a quick-tempered , irritable person , nervous and hypochondriacal , Tom thought of sex and love as remote concepts that were not for him , that were ridiculous for him to consider .
3 The Soviet armed forces , in particular , would be provided with everything that was necessary for them to perform their task .
4 But , as her grandfather had drummed into her then , she had no right to inflict pain simply because the other person was telling a truth that was hard for her to cope with .
5 The citizens of Rotherham were , at last , being confronted with the topic in their own town , in a way that was difficult for them to ignore .
6 An irrational anger swept over Rose , so that , although she had planned his favourite food and was anxious for him to enjoy it , she now wanted to strike the fork from his lips .
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