Example sentences of "[conj] [vb mod] [not/n't] be made [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If the draftsman wishes to create a lease for a period that can not be made certain at the time of the demise the only way is to express it as being granted for a fixed term subject to a power to break at the expiry of the period .
2 The task of child protection is , in a sense , the other side of the coin and one that can not be made easy for social workers , despite the sharper and hopefully more effective legal tools they will now have for the job .
3 The remaining fighters , which were down for maintenance and could not be made airworthy in time , were wrecked when a hangar door blew down on top of them .
4 It turns out that we went far enough with [ an experimental project ] to determine that , unfortunately , it was going to be too expensive and could not be made large enough to approach the market as a whole .
5 And perhaps their foolishness will make everyone understand that however much fun Home Alone is for children at the cinema it is fiction and can not be made real by acting it out .
6 committee did draw distinction between the two different kinds of schemes , erm perhaps if I could just ask you what do you think of the committee the Good reports er conclusion on training for trustees where they er the recommendation was that it was a laudable objective , but should not be made compulsory ?
7 In litigation and arbitration , the amount of the costs is subject to the control of the court 's " taxation " procedures , which are made available to arbitrations by s18(2) of the Arbitration Act 1950 , but can not be made available for expert determinations by any means , including a provision to that effect in the expert clause .
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