Example sentences of "[conj] [vb mod] [vb infin] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Students are helped to maximize their performance , to cope with academic and other difficulties that may arise and to prepare for the future beyond the Course .
2 While the Monk , usually politely addressed as ye , declines the invitation of the Host to " " be myrie of cheere " " as he tells his tale ( VII : 1924 – 5 ) , the Nun 's Priest , familiarly addressed as thou , is ready and able to provide what is wanted : The tale the Nun 's Priest tells is a beast-fable : a form of literature that should observe and comment on human traits and manners in a moral light , presenting those traits and manners in a fictional drama in which the characters are of the animal world .
3 all the way along to the Windmill , so , like the area we cover , there 's a lot of people , and like , the middle part , it 's very nice up there , you might , really attracts middle-class people , that we get out , for middle-class , middle-aged people that could go and sit in there for a drink .
4 Now , with the Art Dealers Association you have a professional group that could call and say to the dealer , ‘ Listen , that picture is wrong .
5 David Dale had been worried by the anarchistic stirrings in France and Europe and was anxious to provide a working environment that would satisfy and care for his work force , as well as increase production .
6 She did n't have to like it , any more than she had to like being Vanessa Vail , but there was no way she could evade the responsibility without racking up a seed of guilt that would sprout and eat at her Dreams .
7 Water , it seemed , was everywhere ; the lanes were mired with it , dikes deep , clogged here and there by flotsam into dams that would sunder and flood under the pressure of constant rain .
8 " I see , " said Clara , descending : and she thought of the square flat patch that extended beyond her mother 's house at home , and of the grudgingly mown grass , and the dutifully weeded herbaceous borders , and the complaints about neighbouring cats and dogs that would come and dig in the unrewarding earth .
9 So , what we 've got is four of these books that will go and condense into one copy ,
10 The Government 's view has been that , if we are to have a system that will work and last in Northern Ireland , it must be a system on which agreement can be obtained around the table , and on which the endorsement and the thumbprints of all involved in constitutional politics in the Province can be secured .
11 The Society 's latest leaflet in the ‘ Hygiene In Focus ’ series is on Low Temperature Pathogens , providing topical guidance on listeria and other food poisoning or food spoilage organisms that can survive and multiply in fridges and freezers .
12 Therefore they are never perfectly at ease and may toss and turn in bed .
13 Soon after , Farrow is said to have begun making threatening phone calls in the middle of the night , screaming that he was the devil and should die and burn in hell .
14 He possessed a wonderful gift of story telling and could talk and write with authority on many aspects of life especially music and Irish folklore .
15 The President would ( i ) submit to the Congress of People 's Deputies annual reports on the state of the country , and would brief the USSR Supreme Soviet " on the most important matters of the USSR 's domestic and foreign policy " ; ( ii ) propose to the USSR Supreme Soviet ( and subsequently to the Congress for confirmation ) candidates for the posts of the Chair of the USSR Council of Ministers ( Prime Minister ) , Chair of the USSR Committee of People 's Control , Chair of the USSR Supreme Court , USSR Procurator General and USSR Chief State Arbiter , as well as recommend to the USSR Supreme Soviet and to the Congress the removal of these officials ( with the exception of the Chairman of the USSR Supreme Court ) ; ( iii ) place before the USSR Supreme Soviet the question of forcing or of accepting the resignation of the USSR Council of Ministers , and would appoint and remove in conjunction with the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers members of that body ( subject to confirmation by the USSR Supreme Soviet ) ; ( iv ) sign USSR laws , being entitled within a period of no more than two weeks to refer a law and objections to it back to the USSR Supreme Soviet for further discussion and voting ( should the USSR Supreme Soviet confirm its earlier decision by a two-thirds majority in both its chambers the President would be obliged to sign the law ) ; ( v ) enjoy the right to suspend the operation of USSR Council of Ministers resolutions and instructions ; and ( vi ) propose to the Congress of People 's Deputies the dissolution and re-election of the USSR Supreme Soviet in the event of an irreconcilable dispute over legislation arising between that body 's two chambers .
16 Basically that David had moved out of Plaistow Grove to leave her on her own to die , to live with the fancy whore from America , and yet on other days , of course , I was perfectly lovely and would come and shop with her and do everything .
17 BSP Prime Minister-designate Andrei Lukanov told the Assembly that his party did not want a monopoly of power , and would support and co-operate with Zhelev in the interests of national consent .
18 4.1.1 The Lead Organization has represented and acted on behalf of the Parties in making an application to IEATP for a Government Grant and shall represent and act on behalf of the parties in the acceptance of such Grant on terms acceptable to all of the Parties hereto including the completion of the project to the satisfaction of IEATP .
19 The girl having once experienced a fairy lovemaking is no longer contented in this world , and will pine and die for her fairy lover .
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