Example sentences of "[conj] [vb mod] [verb] [pron] to the " in BNC.

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1 Not that any amount of designer labels would or could reconcile her to the prospect of meeting Antoinette again .
2 ‘ He may have some dreadful secret in his past that he wants to confess to you — something that may shake you to the core . ’
3 We may be meant to think that time is simultaneous , in a way that may owe something to the simultaneity propounded , ‘ perhaps ’ , in Eliot 's Four Quartets , where ‘ History is now and England ’ ; or that it is cyclical , a turning wheel , with human depravity paling into insignificance as the wheel turns into modern times .
4 I had the radio on low , in case they interrupted the broadcast with any bulletins that might lead me to the new Night Mayor .
5 ‘ I 'll trade you your ‘ binos ’ for information that might lead me to the whereabouts of Dr Charity Marlowe . ’
6 It was going to be well into the next bio-day , I knew , before we made all the Netline interactions that would bring us to the rendezvous point .
7 What norms did people learn that would blind them to the obvious ?
8 As she headed through the basement corridors that would lead her to the stairs and the stage door and thence to the waiting Joe Lucas , Josie 's thoughts barely touched on the subject of dying at all .
9 Colin inspected the room looking for the clues , looking for the vital piece of information that would lead him to the same conclusion as Smith .
10 We were down to Halflight , sliding through the tangle of the Lagoon Nebula interlink , making our way towards the secondary GalacNet lines that would get us to the sector containing the Ixyphal system .
11 As she walked up Tullis Street , Templeton 's came into view , and she headed for the entrance that would take her to the offices where she d been told to report .
12 They were standing on the jetty with a score of chattering women , waiting for the launch that would take them to the depot ship Omega .
13 They could n't have been so very far behind them — in fact they should have passed them unless — unless Silas had decided to turn along the road that would take them to the bush walk .
14 are going to be those that will give something to the school , rather than simply be an appointment just for some stature .
15 Danger of doing something irrevocable and wrong because initial impetus lost and clue that will lead me to the centre not yet found .
16 Looking for evidence that will lead them to the bombers .
17 It 's a wonderful Wednesday of glorious options and opportunities that will thrill you to the core .
18 But it will mean some form of acceptable lifestyle that will subject us to the discipline of God 's world and the needs of his creation .
19 It is not something that will bring them to the Church and to Jesus .
20 While they were in the pub , in a corner far from a window , the rain had come on heavily , the kind of rain that will soak you to the skin in two minutes .
21 After a spot of scrambling below the summit of Carn Mor Dearg , the only intimidating section is at the other end , just below the boulder field that will take you to the summit of the Ben .
22 Mansell 's first taste of Indy action will be in California in December when he tests the monster motor that will hurtle him to the threshold of survival in the most hair-raising episode of his race career .
23 They identify people who need counselling help and may refer them to the priest or minister ; they recognize their own rituals as important aids to grieving .
24 This zest should be carried into the transcendent and should bring us to the horizons of mental thought .
25 The 1919 Murray 's Handbook asked in a revealing suggestion that travellers should watch out for instances when third-class passengers were not treated considerately and should report them to the management .
26 Inside her she felt a power she could never manage to express ; it was trapped inside her like water under the ground and she was the only one with the dowser 's twigs who knew where it lay and could bring it to the surface .
27 Labour says that it will reverse every step that the Government have taken to protect businesses , and would leave them to the mercy of Labour 's own local councils .
28 Their toisech would greet them , in his cone helmet with its metal nose-guard and his tunic of ring-mail over leather , and would lead them to the wing of the army commanded by my lord Ferteth , their Mormaer , and my lord Gillecrist , the Mormaer for Lennox and Strathclyde .
29 The ANC 's chief spokesman , Pallo Jordan , said that the ANC welcomed the agreement and would observe it to the letter .
30 As early as January 1961 a US Department of State report on Cuba argued that ‘ Castro , aware of [ growing discontent within Cuba ] and of the lack of decisive support by the Soviet countries is endeavouring , through his acts of provocation , to create a crisis against Cuba that will compel the Soviets to support him and will restore him to the position of anti-imperialist hero in the eyes of his own people and the Latin American masses ’ ( US Declassified , 1982 , 001697 ) .
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