Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] she [verb] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Jane reflected that if she 'd been enormous , with masses of stomach and bust up front , Lajos might have thought twice about bashing her .
2 Examining her responses to this normal catalogue of everyday events , of life , she found that she wished she was dead , had been dead for some time , so that she was used to it : and then she thought that if she had been dead for long enough , she would probably be bored with that by now .
3 In the weeks that had passed since she had met Rupert Stonebird at the vicarage her interest in him had deepened , mainly because she had not seen him again and had therefore been able to build up a more satisfactory picture of him than if she had been able to check with reality .
4 She had fought against him , tried to keep him out of her life , but was n't that because she had been afraid ?
5 Perplexed , Ashley looked at him , then it registered that as she had been astonished to see him so he was equally stunned to see her .
6 And although she 'd been sad to be leaving her family behind , she had been looking forward to a few weeks ' holiday and then — a new job , a new life .
7 If she had been cheerful , she would grow sad , and if she had been depressed , she would grow bad-tempered .
8 And , while she was chewing on that , suddenly some fierce Czech expletive rent the air , then , ‘ Hell , did you have me fooled ! ’ he raged , and when she had been certain that his fury was wholly on account of her pretending to be a journalist when she was not , he proceeded to throw her thinking totally out of gear when , his face whiter than ever , ‘ You wanted that interview so badly you were even ready to commit adultery to get — ’
9 And though she had been excited and proud about all the frantic arrangements for her state departure , when it came to the point she had been frightened , and sad at going , though she would not complain .
10 And though she had been sensitive to the château 's own architectural beauty , she had stripped one entire back portion of the interior in response to the natural environment .
11 But if she 'd been frank from the outset and had admitted to him that she 'd been sent by his stepmother with the plea for him to visit her the result would have been short and sharp .
12 When she was fastened to my fist people really scared her , whereas if she had been free she would have been able to take evasive action .
13 He stood back to look down the line of her figure under the flimsy nightgown , his eyes caressing her as blatantly as if she had been naked .
14 As it happened , Clara was wrong , but she was not to know she was wrong , and she suffered as much as though she had been right .
15 It was not as though she had been slack in her church attendance in the past .
16 She felt as though she 'd been asleep for about five minutes !
17 There was a sort of thirstiness about Julia 's immersion in the conversation , as though she 'd been parched for a long time .
18 To hear Rosemary tell it , it sounded as though she 'd been lucky to reach twenty-two without some vainglorious male trying it on .
19 In a strange way , she felt cleansed , as though she 'd been able to strip the dark places away from her soul .
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