Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] i [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 For a moment another thought crossed my mind — that if I lived in the United States while undertaking an ‘ experiment ’ I might be sued if I failed .
2 Well I erm , I was , I was burgled about a year ago and I 'm am ex er , I 'm a retired criminal lawyer , and , but I , I felt that if I lived in the States and trained in the States and I carried a gun then and I felt very vulnerable in not having a gun because he , I was in my own home and he fist me with a knife
3 ‘ When Chelsea signed me Ian Porterfield told me that if I got in the side he would n't drop me so I want to make up for lost time . ’
4 I 've accepted that if I open in a play in Lourdes about the life and times of Mother Teresa , the press will write : ‘ Yiddishe Momma in NUN-sense ’ .
5 I was taught that when I worked in the grocery warehouse .
6 In this environment my overall feelings of job satisfaction as defined by Warr ( 1987 ) were greater than when I worked in a more traditional nursing culture — a point substantiated by Beardshaw and Robinson 's ( 1990 ) work .
7 I know exactly who I am and where I stand in the world .
8 And if I live in a factory town , I must speak factory language when I want it .
9 I was 5′ 10½&in in height in bare feet and weighed soaking wet no more than 12½ stone and since I played in the park , usually at open side wing forward , and since I played against genuinely big men , it therefore followed I had to be galvanically quick .
10 Made them ink-exercise it for the Thursday and when I got in the results I was tearing my hair .
11 and she goes why , I goes well every time I got , when I went out the other night and when I come in the other night there was Helena with her arms round Andrew , so it 's not that I , I 'm worried about it but I just think it 's a bit tarty of her cos she 's fancies the pants off Pete and as soon as my back 's turned and Pete is n't there she 's all over Andrew .
12 Mick was less fortunate , and when I awoke in the depressing gloom of dawn , he reported that the weather was very much better than it had been for a long time .
13 ‘ I 'd like to know exactly where and when I deserted in the face of the enemy . ’
14 Later on that day I was sent into the Corporals ' quarters with a mop and bucket and as I went in a Corporal came out buttoning his flies .
15 ‘ One night after a gig in Whelans , I went down to The Nightrain and as I came in the door I heard this note-perfect rock music , ’ he says .
16 Notts in this first half are going to be as they like to be , attacking the Kop end , a Kop end which is utterly deserted because Pisa have n't brought any fans with them but they 've brought a very large following of journalists , and as I said in the initial two-way with Martin , there has been a language barrier between them and me , but when they pointed to the weather and all shivered together , I knew precisely what they meant .
17 And as I appeared in the entrance I was suddenly conscious that I was the centre of attention .
18 For example , it would make me very happy if I could see you every night across my dinner table ; if when I woke in the morning , I would hear you wish me ‘ Bonjour , chéri ! ’ in that so charming accent of yours .
19 I too have Windows 3 running in Real mode , not because I particularly like Windows , nor for multitasking ( which I obviously ca n't do ) , but because I work in the computer industry and need to be able to use Windows at clients ' sites and set up applications for them .
20 I fell into an unhappy sleep , but when I woke in the morning , the family had gone .
21 but when I went in the other week , they all sit in a circle like that , then there 's a space and the teacher stands there and she was telling a story about the independent princess who does n't fall in love with the prince in the end , it was a quite funny story
22 But when I get in the weight room at Chelsea , the other lads put me to shame .
23 But when I looked in the ZZAP !
24 I had not told her about my summons to the Palace , but when I appeared in a tail coat , this unusual costume , combined with the insistence on punctuality , led her to make an accurate deduction .
25 But as I said in a speech recently , we have a lot further to go , more progress to make and that is very much at the top of my agenda of , the agenda of my right honourable friend the education minister .
26 But as I suggested in the last part of Chapter 2 , this difference is not of any great practical significance : whether deviant motivations are taken as given because they express free will ( classical theory ) or because it is not deemed fruitful to attempt their explanation ( control theory ) does not , in itself ; have any practical implications for the subsequent criminological enterprise .
27 Tim 's coming up to move the bath back and all that you see , this old bath and erm , do some pipe work , but until that 's all done , erm , er , until this woman is sorted out , because if I find in the end we 've got to insulate again , then I know how I feel , I mean that tongue and groove going up polystyrene in the lounge and yesterday I think he 's got a new organ
28 The consequences of such a reduction in the level of armaments ( and more generally of ‘ military preparedness ’ ) are considerable , for as I noted in the first edition of this book , if there is any generalization about the causes of war which is supported by some empirical evidence , it seems to be that which establishes a connection between an arms race and an increased probability of war ( Richardson , 1960 ) .
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