Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [conj] [verb] [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 Subject to paragraphs 5 and 6 below , the Funding Council shall have the power — ( a ) to acquire , hold and dispose of land and other property ; ( b ) to enter into contracts , including contracts for the employment of staff for the purposes of the discharge of their functions ; ( c ) to invest any sums not immediately required by the Funding Council for the purpose of their carrying on any of the activities which they have power to carry on ; and ( d ) to accept gifts of money , land or other property and apply it to , or hold or administer it in trust for , the purpose of the discharge of any of their functions .
2 If you have to share , clean the used equipment immediately it was last used , separate the needle , barrel and plunger and clean them in hot tap water and washing up liquid , remove all traces of blood , rinse the works thoroughly with clean water and do the same with any spoons etc .
3 For those who wish to escape the hustle and bustle and lose themselves in the peaceful Nottinghamshire countryside , the working farms of the Nottinghamshire Farm Tourism Group offer a taste of the rural tradition .
4 They could all go hang ; she 'd switch them off and go and submerge herself in the bath for half an hour .
5 He seemed far away from Ruth , in a trance whose nature she could only guess at — but free , she thought , of the despair and anger that beset him in their own world .
6 So many will take advice and consult and spend themselves in getting man 's opinion without hearing God .
7 The strategy adopted was to begin with the best analysed corpus available when we started work ( Alvar Ellegard 's 128,000 word analysed subset of the Brown Corpus of American English ) , convert it into a format that could be used in practice , and improve and extend it in various ways .
8 I know I am not such a blameless one as should be saying it , but try and find it in your heart to be good to her , for she is lovely . ’
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