Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [pron] [noun sg] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Visitors can see Barnaby 's bazaar of teddy bear souvenirs or try their luck at the tombola , where they could win one of the teddies donated by a celebrity .
2 As the Cloud-author might say , contemplative understanding comes from nowhere and is experienced as a gift : We must not be surprised if a man does not attain the heights of contemplation or experience its sweetness at the beginning of his Christian life .
3 Dr Scott , from long experience , did no more than wrinkle his nose at the odour of decay , and spent twenty minutes there , mostly occupied with a careful consideration of the head .
4 And raise your profile at the same time .
5 In his rage he declared war on the whole animal tribe , swearing that he would exterminate the lot of them , and recapture his daughter at the same time .
6 Wh what I 'd like to suggest , without going through it all again , is that perhaps we could agree to ask the Town Clerk to write to Planning Department and voice our concern at the way this matter is being handled .
7 You must always stand so that you face the opponent because this is the position from which you can launch the maximum number of powerful attacks and place your opponent at a disadvantage .
8 1869 ] and finish my doctorate at the same time . "
9 Disillusion me and get my sympathy at the same time .
10 Complex carbohydrates are desirable for three reasons : they are slowly digested and release their energy at a steadier rate foods rich in complex carbohydrates are also rich in vitamins and minerals , which are essential for the metabolism of sugar and the steady release of its energy such foods are also high in fibre , high intakes of which are associated with many health benefits .
11 That piece of toast you grab in the morning while trying to tidy the kitchen and brush your hair at the same time .
12 It could n't be easy to cope with the emotional strain of a missing husband and do his job at the same time .
13 THE under fives of Liphook have an opportunity to develop confidence and fulfil their potential at an early age thanks to three afternoon pre-school groups .
14 Now , on top of everything else , she looked like something the cat had dragged in , and she had n't even brought a change of clothes with her , having planned to return to the Sheffield hotel to collect her luggage and settle her bill at a time when the actors would be at the theatre .
15 By fighting by-elections , it was argued , while remaining in the Government , Labour could demonstrate the public demand for more radical measures and increase its muscle at the Cabinet table .
16 Leaving manufacturing behind enabled Conran to concentrate on retailing and position his company at the vanguard of the high-street revolution .
17 Announcing that " the time for negotiation has arrived " , de Klerk invited representative black leaders to " walk through the open door " and take their place at the negotiating table " together with the government and other leaders who have important power bases inside and outside Parliament " .
18 This is not easy , however , because the male has to build the nest and guard his partner at the same time .
19 Venables himself pledged to continue the battle to buy out the Spurs chairman , Amstrad boss Alan Sugar , and regain his position at the club .
20 Hopefully , like the Phoenix , Arthur will rise from the ashes of his latest misfortunes and regain his form at the top of the show-jumping tree .
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