Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [pron] [noun] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 At the early age of thirty-eight me mother sent me West Get up , said she , and get a job says I I 'll do me best I pulled on my Wellingtons to march to march to Kiljimock But I took a wrong turn at Charlestown and ended up in Knock Once this quiet crossroads was a place of quiet prayer Where Catholics got indulgent once or twice a year You could buy a pair of rosary beads or get your candles blessed If you had a guilty conscience , you could get it off your chest …
2 ‘ Where an Act of Parliament confers upon an administrative body functions which involve its making decisions which affect to their detriment the rights of other persons or curtail their liberty to do as they please , there is a presumption that Parliament intended that the administrative body should act fairly towards those persons who will be affected by their decision .
3 Or ask your seller to obtain and let you have office copies , which will almost certainly be an obligation under the contract .
4 If he disagrees with any part he can have it rectified or removed by agreement or have his dissent recorded and his own version put alongside .
5 As Bartholomew puts it ‘ … your minds have programmed you against wealth and pleasure , against things that make your eyes sparkle and your feet dance . ’
6 They now try to seek out alliances with other companies that want their materials recycled and companies willing to buy recyclables and make them into something useful .
7 Anyway , Broom'ead caused so many problems there that 'is daughter 's ‘ usband told 'er that eivver 'er farvver went or 'e would .
8 The third part describes the ways in which children acquire the forms of language , and develop their ability to use and understand them , with consideration of what might be found easy or difficult at different stages of development .
9 She used to attend the general discussion part and make her views known as to where the next shop would be .
10 They want him to have injections every month — I do n't know if they help or not — but he says they slow him up and make his legs ache and he ca n't think straight .
11 The most harmful effects are that groups develop competing or conflicting goals , and lose their ability to communicate and cooperate with one another ,
12 While advised to look outwards , and open their economies to trade and investment , they will feel compelled to look inwards as the competition on international markets appears unequal .
13 The troublesome lamps flank the couch , where constituents sit and watch their congressman appear and disappear ; and the only thing that saved Orton from rushing to the floor to cast phantom votes when his clock buzzer went off was the fall-back alarm system , a personal bleeper .
14 ‘ Run along home then and tell your Dad to come and wheel it away .
15 ‘ Go and get your hair crimped and tinted . ’
16 Well , when you do shave in future , do n't shave so high , " she touched his cheeks below his ears , " and allow your locks to grow and thicken .
17 There were quite a lot of drugs around at the time and somehow or other , I did n't quite know how , I managed to scrape enough together to feed my children and keep my flat going and just keep my life ticking over .
18 He no it 's summat entirely different , cos I says he were being sarcastic and keep your mouth shut if you ca n't speak normal .
19 Baptiste , run and ask your mother to come and give me a hand , would you ?
20 It follows that a just society must set its policies and write its laws to ensure that everyone , beginning with the least advantaged and most vulnerable , has an equal opportunity to enjoy an equal share of the total net resources allocated to health .
21 Such managers are typified by their ability to face unpleasant facts in a constructive manner and help their staff to grow and develop a similar constructive attitude .
22 This is where all bad accidents come first and have their clothes removed and first transfusions .
23 Well in the last 2 days Firmin and Antonio have been getting more and more hostile ( which is n't hard to do given how Charlie and Matt are currently feeling about one another ) and you could really sense the Indians getting involved , following it all from their part of the raft as if their lives depended on it — which in a way they did I suppose because we were arguing about whether they had the right to be baptised and have their souls saved or not .
24 Companies have sought to deal with these pressures in ways which reduce their fixed overheads , increase their responsiveness to their markets and enhance their capacity to adapt and deal with change .
25 They were therefore under the most powerful compulsion to adapt their ideas and tailor their programmes to ensure that they had mass appeal .
26 But get your hair cut and look like a proper Englishman .
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