Example sentences of "[conj] [det] 's [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Erm that that 's I think the main thing you want to look at there .
2 And that 's what won the campaign in the end .
3 But these are reference books that are not thrown away and that 's what makes the advertisers the benefits to the advertisers that much more important .
4 The reason Chandler can get away with this is because they 've chosen to use a slotted headstock with side-mounted Kluson machines , and that 's what gives the strings the necessary angle to stop them jumping out of the nut slots .
5 Er and that 's I think the basis of the erm strategy I 've set out in my statement to the examination in public .
6 Erm perhaps I can turn the the question on its head and and I think the way the County Council 's looked at it , what would be the implications of not providing for the needs of North Yorkshire , and that 's I think the approach that we have taken in the first instance , is to try and determine what the needs of North Yorkshire are and to borrow a phrase from Professor Lock , in strategic terms to look at er try to achieve full employment in North Yorkshire .
7 But the point is it does n't matter who was right , and even less who would have been right ; all that matters is what people felt , because that 's what produced the new ethos of the age ; consensus had led to impasse , care to sterility , so : deliver a shock to the system , take the sort of radical risk with the country that you have to take with a business at least once in its history if it 's to succeed ; go for growth , take the monetarist shilling . ’
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