Example sentences of "[conj] [det] had [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I explained that this had come out during my long interview with Inspector Drew last night .
2 And this had gone on for some time and he was down on the shore anyway one night and looking out across the the sea and thinking long for Eday and he met this man .
3 Bowater 's retiring chairman , Norman Ireland , described the purchase as an ‘ exhilarating opportunity ’ and said trading in the last four months of 1992 had been good and this had carried on into the first two months of this year .
4 However , no residents in affected houses had complained and many had spoken out in favour of the proposals .
5 He once took a swim late at night with a drunken socialite , but that had turned out to be entirely innocent and there was testimony from Cary Grant to prove it .
6 There are changes in technology : electronic systems take over from the electromechanical mode typical of ‘ mass culture ’ ( just as that had taken over from the purely mechanical production and distribution methods of the earlier bourgeois period , epitomized by music printing ) .
7 Already he was beginning to steal glances at the clock , comparing it needlessly with his own watch , missing bits of the film while he made rapid calculations as to whether he might conceivably be able to see Bridget home , and , when this had become out of the question , as to how long they would have to say good night at the hated corner .
8 And proof that an informant had indeed reached Edward from the town was provided by the fact that the emissaries now demanded that the required hostage should be none other than Seton 's own son , a young man whom he had brought with him to Berwick on his first military venture , unfortunate a start as this had turned out to be .
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