Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [noun pl] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The assessment commonly takes as its main form one or more visits to the client and clarificatory discussion with them of the reasons why a service is being sought and of the implications of providing it .
2 This committee will sift through the applications and the recommend three or more names to the executive council , the main decision-making body of the association .
3 One reason was political : the fact that some parties to the Convention were recent enemies .
4 This agreement was an essential item incorporated into the Form of Tender , and allowances made accordingly , although some adjustments to the programming were made as work proceeded on site .
5 Will the Secretary of State ensure that his Department backs up his promises to the business community and ensure that such disincentives to the business community coming forward are not allowed to continue ?
6 But medical diving experts are concerned that many newcomers to the sport are diving too deep , especially in the UK , exposing themselves to life-threatening injury from ‘ the bends ’ or decompression sickness .
7 Such discretion was granted on the understanding ( 1 ) that any changes made to the approved Course regulations were notified to the IFS Board for information ; ( 2 ) that all changes to the Course were monitored and evaluated for the purpose of informing the next submission for renewal of approval , and subsequent Course review visits ; and ( 3 ) that all changes to assessment requirements were agreed with the appropriate external examiner .
8 A government statement said : ‘ Malta has acceded to a request for the two suspects to be tried in Malta , provided that all parties to the dispute are in agreement and consistent with Malta 's obligations under the UN Charter . ’
9 It would also mean that any changes to the system at this stage could be rectified without high costs being incurred .
10 First of all , if support teachers always take individual needs as their starting point it may be assumed that any modifications to the curriculum for a particular child relate uniquely to that child 's difficulties .
11 This assumes that both contributions to the strain are additive so that .
12 The first is that both parties to the contract carry on business in a Contracting State ; the second , that rules of private international law lead to the application of the law of a Contracting State .
13 Which means that both parties to the negotiation must feel that the outcome is good for them .
14 Although most warranties and indemnities are given by the seller , the seller is likely to seek some undertakings from the buyer and some limits to the scope of any future liabilities .
15 Management Group has recently agreed to an increased membership and some modifications to the way the Committee will function .
16 And these relationships to the state are , he argues , largely supplanting their class in determining their politics .
17 Where value has at any time been given for a bill the holder is deemed to be a holder for value as regards the acceptor and all parties to the bill who became parties prior to such time .
18 Convening the international authoritative Peace conference with speed , with the participation of the permanent members of the Security Council and all parties to the conflict including the PLO on equal footing .
19 Its age old pre-historic instinct had brought it and many others to the spot a day ago in a bloody frenzy of feeding .
20 In the communiqué the UN said that the unblocking of international aid to the south of Sudan was a matter of urgency but could only take place if all parties to the conflict there agreed to co-operate with the UN and other humanitarian organizations .
21 As it was , in the weeks that followed Herr Bremann 's death , his lordship began to devote more and more hours to the matter of the crisis in Germany .
22 There is more greenery further south in the deep forest of Chize ( with the fine Renaissance chateau of Dampierre-sur-Boutonne at its edge ) ; and more marshes to the west around Rochefort and Marennes , where those mussels and oysters are raised .
23 An integrated OED , i.e. a version in which the Supplement material has all been inserted in the correct places and any alterations to the text of the OED required by the wording of the Supplement have been made .
24 Few roads were closed off in Moabit , but all entrances to the area were provided with necked-down junctions , with paving changes , ramps , vegetation and the necessary legal warning ( Figure 6.37 ) .
25 Cunningham 's centralized system did not permit this since all submissions to the Home Secretary were channelled through him , with only one course of action being recommended .
26 The panel is still considering the divisional schools library service erm the , they 're very clear is at to whether these costs to the library is a fixed cost or a variable cost or perhaps even more to the point that it will need to reach the cost of libraries are fixed and variable and the differing views both within the panel and schools about that and the panel is continuing deliberating research .
27 After several visits to the deed poll office , ’ stated Gallacher , ‘ I am pleased to announce that the European team will be built around the experienced quartet of Nick Grapefruit , Ian Ptang !
28 The book was eventually published ( as Rudyard Kipling ) with much acclaim in 1978 , after both parties to the dispute had died .
29 As any changes to the Parish Council 's bank accounts must be authorised by the Parish Councillors I would ask you to continue the present arrangement until they have had a chance to discuss any alterations you might suggest .
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