Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [noun pl] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On May 8 Chamlong led another large rally at Democracy Monument , where some demonstrators came close to clashing with riot police .
2 The Text table contains the full text of all versions of all entries from whatever source , OED , Supplement , NEWS ( New Words to be added for 1989 ) , or those entries created directly by lexicographers .
3 There will often be complications in that there can be two or more operators working simultaneously with overlapping tasks .
4 For example , between 1970 and 1982 the ratio of women to men achieving two or more A-levels rose steadily from 75:100 to 95:100 and the corresponding ratio for university entrants rose from 40:100 to 70:100 .
5 Two or more clauses joined together by co-ordinate conjunctions .
6 This dematerialisation is taken a stage further when his soul becomes like a bird which can fly away , completely freeing itself from society or any distractions to concentrate solely on the contemplation of itself .
7 One manager reports that some parents reacted badly to the basic but intrusive questions .
8 The worry for the anthropologists is that some sociobiologists jump directly from their impressively careful observations of the mating behaviours of lions and deer and ostriches to sweeping assertions about the causal determinants of mating behaviour among men .
9 The ethos of the force therefore lends itself to gender differences in police work , and so popular are beliefs about the different capabilities of policemen and women , that some policemen shy away from handling these sorts of cases on the view that they are less able than women colleagues , and many policewomen adopt these notions as self-typifications .
10 ( Nordberg 1980 : 5 ) Certainly it is true that such difficulties emerge particularly with small-scale community studies .
11 High mortgages , the massive increase of families in bed-and-breakfast accommodation , a revised benefits ' system sweeping away school meals ' entitlements and heavily dependent on loans , the Poll Tax , cutbacks in family planning clinics , the introduction of loans in higher education , fare increases and timetable reductions on deregulated public transport — we know that such hardships bear more on women the less money they have .
12 It has been argued that such courses come somewhere around the foundation or specific stage in most people 's educational development , although the increasing proportions of mature students must make us wary of too linear a model .
13 The rationale is that such children do badly in examinations and so their exclusion will improve the end product .
14 However , it must be remembered that these groups work best at the initial stages of research when concepts still have to be clarified ; they can never replace a properly constituted sample .
15 It must be remembered that these remarks apply only in the case of the small orchestra , in which string and wind doubling is rarely necessary for the sake of balance .
16 It should be noted that these rules relate only to agreements where at least one dealer is involved and also that they do not apply in the case of an agreement to purchase the goods bona fide on a joint account , e.g. where two dealers in partnership together wish to purchase goods for their business and agree that only one of them will bid .
17 However , some further points must be made : NCB itself will acknowledge that these concerns relate only to some parts of the overall provision made by the four schools which offered themselves freely and fully as subjects for enquiry .
18 If you want to investigate one run by a voluntary or private organisation , be aware that these establishments vary considerably in the standards of facilities provided .
19 He believed that these monuments succeeded compositionally from five or six angles .
20 We should all be grateful that these monuments exist today as a guide and a help to biographical research .
21 In some areas it was acknowledged that these plots contributed substantially to the food supply .
22 It is clear that these eigenvalues belong also to the matrix
23 In this work he needed to know that these numbers factorised uniquely into primes ( 3.7.13 ) just as do the ordinary integers .
24 It is arguable , however , that these stones belong stratigraphically with the later road surface , with its central channel , by which time the earlier drains had probably ceased to function ; this would explain certain anomalies in their relative positions and have important implications for the site 's later appearance .
25 And Walker ( 1978 ) has argued that although all rural dwellers are burdened by the extra costs of gaining access to services , doing without them , or consuming inadequate services , that these costs bear disproportionately on the rural poor .
26 And decided that these channels occur predominantly at post-synaptic or on the muscle surface .
27 Infra-red spectroscopic studies and nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of potentized solutions compared with straight dilutions also suggest the presence of long-chain molecules , although these studies have yet to be confirmed .
28 Although these organisations existed only on paper , they created much interest among Russian prisoners and civilians .
29 Teachers ' union officials admit that many teachers earn more from private tutoring than from their official jobs .
30 In a century of imperial expansion it was inevitable that many sons died far from home and not , as they might have wished , in the bosom of the family .
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