Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [is] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 The Council will also have to keep the curriculum under review and promote change where this is felt to be necessary .
2 On occasions where this is felt to be a risk , preventive apologies may be issued in the form of prolonged negotiations to meet again soon .
3 The Regulation provides that a market share of 25% or less is presumed to be compatible with the Common Market .
4 CELEX is open to the public and is available to subscribers by network , although that is said to be rather difficult to use .
5 Er in fact I would probably think that erm having looked at some of the results recently I would think that that 's going to be somewhere close to average now .
6 You could actually work it out the longhand way , the way that we 've described it Yeah I think you 'll find that that 's meant to be X and X
7 But of course it is only reassuring if the person can be relied on to be there whenever the need arises — and you can be sure that that is bound to be during the last class hour on the longest teaching day of the week .
8 If you want to en try and ensure that you 're going to have a self sustained community , one hundred percent , you make sure that presumably you 've got a show case cinema with fifteen screens there , er a B and Q , erm a whole range of of facilities that nobody ever needs leave , erm erm erm er that new settlement , the reality of the real world of course is that all settlements to a greater or lesser degree , er have a relationship with other er larger scale settlements , now then let's look at the new settlement , fourteen hundred dwellings , we estimate that that is going to be of the order of around three thousand three hundred people , now that is sizeable , it is not small , it is larger than a number of the small market towns er in North Yorkshire , like Boroughbridge , Settle , it is a significant development erm erm and within it erm there will be a requirement er be a requirement for a a a primary school , it justifies that .
9 And I think you 'll probably find that that is going to be a problem in rural areas .
10 Now , it 's not clear to me at the moment that that is going to be the direction , say , of the Roman Catholic Church , because we seem to have a much more conservative Pope and there are conservative movements growing up in all the churches , you 've only got to look at Reagan 's America and the way you find counterparts to that kind of religious conservatism in all the European countries .
11 Although this is thought to be long overdue by some of my colleagues , will there be a backlash at some point ?
12 Although this is claimed to be standard practice , Labour denounced the move last night as ‘ the most serious breach yet of the Tories ’ general election promises ’ .
13 For the first 10 months of this year , it totalled £362 million , although this is expected to be wiped out by outflows this month and last month .
14 Are you aware that the array of funerals , commonly made by undertakers , is strictly the heraldic array of a baronial funeral , the two men who stand at the doors being supposed to be the two porters of the castle , with their staves , in black ; the man who heads the procession , wearing a scarf , being a representative of a herald-at-arms ; the man who carries a plume of feathers on his head being an esquire , who bears the shield and casque , with its plume of feathers ; the pall-bearers , with batons , being representatives of knights-companions-at-arms ; the men walking with wands being supposed to represent gentlemen-ushers , with their wands : are you aware that this is said to be the origin and type of the common array usually provided by those who undertake to perform funerals ?
15 Henson has done a lovely job of placing his famous characters in the novel 's context while never letting us forget that this is meant to be a huge extravaganza .
16 ‘ That is not to say that this is going to be all fun , ’ she hastily added .
17 I ca n't seem to have have yet heard definitely that this is going to be .
18 There is some professional resistance , in the sense that people who 've done a lot of work on programming get used to certain sorts of languages , and if you make proposals about teaching some new way of dealing with computers , they throw up their hands in horror , and object that this is going to be inefficient , or it 's not going to prepare people adequately for what goes on in industry , or whatever .
19 a very low base , and that is going to be used by the Home Secretary when , when he , he , he puts the cash limited budget together next year .
20 we asked for space , and they said oh mid April , and that actually is the next schedule step down action and that 's going to be on Europe and that 'll run from April till June , erm but from now till April if anybody would like to write the country which is Chile and this is because they 're , they suppose that they have extend the death penalty in Chile to include the murder of an off duty police witnesses , at the moment it 's only erm , the death penalty only exists for on duty police officers
21 You 've made up your mind and that 's going to be it .
22 We 've a new sound system coming and that 's going to be mounted behind the there 's a there 's a great hole behind there you know which is actually the size of the range of one of the medieval kitchens .
23 ‘ It 's a different science on an oval and that 's going to be the biggest challenge in two weeks ’ time .
24 And if you recall when my Colonel read John plaque it attributes to him er the aid in assisting us at in the establishment of that memorial museum , John gave us a er and sort of took that apart and hauled it over to and it was flown back to the States and that 's going to be a briefing operations room for the museum itself .
25 And that 's going to be
26 But Roxy er Roxy that was from his new C D Midnight Postcards and er he 's going to be at Nottingham 's Theatre Royal March the twenty eighth next year in Alfie , coming well ahead of it to tell us about it , and that 's going to be a blockbuster I think next year , and then goes on to Los Angeles .
27 The most recent , and it 's quite exciting , is to use magnetic resonance imaging to look at erm nuclei in the body and to see what they 're doing and where they are , and that 's going to be very exciting but it involves having a very very large magnet in which one puts a whole patient all at once .
28 I think that it 's a very long term thing and until the attitudes of both men and women and boys and girls at schools who come up here change , and that 's going to be a long time
29 The weather for the area : the rain 's going to clear in the middle to late evening , and that 's going to be a dry night with cloud becoming broken .
30 Now Liz did n't win our first , second or third prize er last year , but she , she made it to the final twelve , er her , her full-length novel now , has now been accepted by Collins and that 's going to be published next February , there 's talk of a big American contract for Liz and Liz has now been floated away in to the world of big time professional writing .
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