Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But then earlier laws had been concerned with tales about the monarchy , where this one related to the regent and the French .
2 ‘ Do you remember the Polanski movie Repulsion , where all you see of the city is a tiny little street outside Catherine Deneuve 's flat ?
3 On the highest point , the beech trees of Cottington 's Clump were moving in a stronger wind than that which blew across the heather .
4 In any event , residence of some kind was the hallmark of establishment in so far as establishment involved economic integration in the host member state of a kind that was greater than that which arose from the provision of a cross-border service .
5 Where crops were sold both by large estates and small farmers or peasants , the situation was more complex , though in peasant economies , for obvious reasons , the proportion of the crop which came on the world market — i.e. which was not consumed by the producers — from large estates was normally much larger than that which came from the peasant holdings .
6 US law on insider dealing is considerably more pervasive and pragmatic than that which exists in the UK .
7 But , he warned , ‘ when we recover from the present recession , we had better be aware than another one lurks on the horizon ’ .
8 It was assumed that many who appeared on the box had been to drama school .
9 An Arsenal friend of mine admitted that all he wanted at the moment was for Leeds to catch Scum .
10 What a pity she did not discover that all she needed in the first place to remove the ‘ writer 's cramp ’ was to rest her right elbow on the table when writing instead of letting it hang over the edge without support !
11 What I 'm really searching for is a bit more evidence from the C , all participants as to why the principle of expanding an exis existing settlement has been rejected , I well appreciate that those who lived in the settlement that was chosen would not like it , but that 's not the point I 'm getting at , is there nothing in this principle of building on what 's there ?
12 Defection is , of course , a two-way trade but there is no reason to think that those who go from the West to the East are any more valuable or enjoy a rewarding lifestyle .
13 It has been suggested that those who lied to the pollsters , for whatever reason , later recoiled in horror when starkly confronted with the implication of their mendacity — Glenys Kinnock in Number 10 — and voted Tory .
14 Perhaps he guessed as much : certainly he seems to have been surprised by the success of the play.s But that success was more or less assured : his reputation and authority were such that those who went to the theatre went , as a matter of course , to see Eliot .
15 It has already been mentioned that those who serve in the House have an opportunity to put wrongs right .
16 I have referred to the complicated question of administration , which will require careful drafting , but we want to try to ensure that those who serve in the voluntary reserve forces are available when they are needed and that their position is properly protected .
17 I am immensely gratified that those who participate in the activities of co-operation between the RUC and Garda Siochana say that the quality of co-operation is at its highest point for 30 years .
18 It is a constant of any Minister 's experience — my hon. Friend referred to his experience as a Minister — that when a new scheme is introduced , there will always be somebody who did the same thing on his own initiative in the previous year and who feels that those who benefit from the newly introduced scheme are receiving an unfair advantage over the individual who took the real risk and did it himself .
19 Bodies often float to the surface , but you of all people must know that those who drown in the Thames can disappear altogether and are probably taken by undercurrents down through London and out to sea . ’
20 It is in everyone 's interest , North , South , East and West , that London is not throttled and that those who live in the South-east — on modest means — can have a decent life .
21 It also looks after United Distillers and Guinness Brewing Worldwide employees and makes sure that those who travel to the far flung parts of Guinness 's empire have the right inoculations and advice for their trips .
22 Three types of market failure have sometimes been put forward to justify the case for intervention , though it should be stressed that those who believe in the efficiency of market forces would argue that it is easy to exaggerate the importance of these factors .
23 The propositions that this book addresses are that research is an important ingredient in the formation and implementation of effective policies and good practice in child care ; and that those who work in the child care services can not only incorporate research into their general experience , knowledge and skill but also contribute to it through their own careful observation and recording .
24 In those circumstances , it is natural that those who work in the tobacco industry should be as anxious as anyone to defend their jobs .
25 All others are available except those which lie at the extreme top end of the compass ( say above including the shake on G and A ♮ ) .
26 Forest dwellers were not to be compelled to attend the swanimotes , nor those who lived outside the forest to attend the Forest Eyre , unless they were accused of an offence , or were sureties for someone else .
27 Most of their policies were also new , and the differences between the two successive Labour Councils were probably greater than those which existed between the previous Labour Council and their Conservative opposition prior to 1982 .
28 We can also speculate that at least some ‘ non-negotiable ’ transfers are brought off more rapidly than those which go through the lugubrious procedures maintained by various State bodies and foreign trade organisations .
29 His theory required him to specify a reason why the human branch of the evolutionary tree had advanced so much further than those which led to the living apes .
30 More angular and less fluid in outline than those which feature in the final version of ‘ La Danse ’ , the figures are painted in predominantly grey-blue tones against an unfinished blue background .
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