Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [art] [noun] that [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Or all the ones that need sold , you know , got nice photographs of all the sold boards , and what I want her to do now is go and literally go and traipse the streets
2 Technological advances might mean that we live in an artificial environment with respect to time-cues , but it is a rhythmic environment nevertheless , and our possession of a body clock means that all the advantages that come from the integration of biological and environmental rhythms apply equally to ourselves .
3 This uses the technically-defined Ocean as above , except that all the hiccups that interrupt the passage of its boundary have been removed by the relatively simple process of granting to it all of the so-called ‘ marginal seas ’ to which logic ( and political reality ) suggest it can lay claim .
4 Well there is n't actually regrettably there is so much personal debt within the City , and the problem is rising to such an extent that all the bodies that provide money advice , including for example the Citizens ' Advice Bureau , which we also fund , are overwhelmed by the numbers of people coming to them .
5 True , it 's a waste of natural resources , but a single issue of some daily newspapers is a far greater ecological sacrifice than all the guitars that have ever been put to death on stage .
6 The culmination of the drama , an explosion of emotions during a thunderstorm , has parallels in other Rank-financed movies of the time , when the lid comes off and all the emotions that have been barely repressed throughout the film come pouring out as if from some Pandora 's box .
7 It makes you vulnerable because you start seeing all your mistakes and all the bad things that you do and all the things that need improvement .
8 Nevertheless she has conquered the tough , ruthless climb to becoming a star actor and all the insecurities that go with it .
9 The chassis is delivered ready panelled , and all the components that require precise location and installation , as well as the safety-related components , are factory-fitted before delivery .
10 Role conflicts within individual marriages are taking place in a context of rapid social change and all the uncertainties that attend it .
11 ‘ We have been very very supportive of the exchange and all the operations that have been going on .
12 Just as all the genetic information that can be conceived of is coded for by just four molecules , and all the proteins that exist are built up from just twenty amino acids , so efficient biochemical systems once established tend to be preserved .
13 Weeks fifteen to twenty one is subject specific and all the details that have to come in and make up a record of achievement .
14 Er and after all , if all the efforts that have been made that we have discussed just at , just now , er towards getting the money back are successful , well then the compensation that had been paid would be repaid .
15 If all the cases that attract attention , because they are argued in important appellate courts before public scrutiny , are occasions on which judges are scrupulous in denying that they are serving the goal of protected expectations through their decisions , this can hardly do much to reinforce the public 's faith in that ideal .
16 No , no , I know what you mean , and on the whole yes , you 're right ; your modern fairy-tale — I do n't just mean what 's miscalled ‘ science fiction ’ , but all the stories that feed the modern hunger for the supernatural — they do tend to be more or less moral now .
17 To some , the parade before the public is a source of extreme satisfaction to their vanity , but all the preliminaries that go before the parade are so much drudgeries that irritate , and are completed as hastily as possible .
18 well that 's because half the people that leave them there live in south London .
19 You know I mean because all the people that have come to show support and er solidarity have done it er I mean we 've been very aware you know the quarry men have actually said you know no we do n't want you to actually block the land rovers we do it our own way and erm you know there 's been no out of control mass picketing or violence or anything like that .
20 As well as all the programs that appear in the above publications , what you may also do is use the programs that appear for the Singer System machine version of the Form Computer , called the Knitting Computer or Digiform Computer .
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