Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] in [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time , in their attempts to rearticulate these basic issues , feminists necessarily take over and use philosophical concepts already available — and in so doing they may import , entailed or entangled in apparently neutral concepts , implications which reiterate and reinforce the assumptions that are being challenged .
2 If we turn to St. John , it is precisely the same picture that meets us , although painted in very different colours .
3 With two months to go , more than 2.5 million people are said to have pre-registered , more than invested in either British Telecom or British Gas .
4 With over eighty pits closed down , a work-force more than halved in only four years from 171,000 to just 80,000 , the emergence of a second , more conciliatory union , and above all , after the defeat of the National Union of Mineworkers in an historically lengthy strike , it just was n't an argument that held water .
5 Bone age , although determined in only 60 patients , was delayed by more than two standard deviations in 42 of these .
6 Like many commonplace food products , including salt or even carrots , alcohol can be regarded as harmful if consumed in very large amounts , but at low levels of consumption it is harmless .
7 Therefore great reliance in these studies is placed on the excavated sites of Pompeii , Herculaneum and Ostia where , due largely to natural causes , the site was abandoned , preserved , not rebuilt and excavated in more modern times .
8 Even outside a nuclear weapon it is a highly dangerous substance — fatal to humans if ingested in even minute quantities .
9 This case has been extensively cited and approved in more recent authorities : see for example Littlewoods Organisation Ltd v Harris [ 1978 ] 1 All ER 1026 .
10 Its berries are dark red , large and borne in fairly large clusters .
11 Meteorites are brought to the surface and concentrated in relatively small areas by a combination of wind ablation and an upward push of the ice ( Figures 2 and 4 ) .
12 Pseudoephedrine ( see p 317 ) can produce euphoria and delusions , if taken in very large doses , and even in normal doses it may cause nightmares and behavioural problems in children .
13 Items printed and published in over 350 localities in the British Isles were sold , and the cataloguer wrote :
14 Only keep one at a time , as the adults will fight unless kept in very large tanks .
15 Since most sedimentation tubes are at least 2 m in height problems arise of ensuring static water , for such columns develop internal convection currents unless maintained in thermally stable conditions .
16 ( 3 ) together with rejection and disapproval of the deviant behaviour : e.g. homosexuality as regarded in less enlightened circles .
17 Vowels move towards a neutral form when used in naturally flowing sentences .
18 I put down the Mail , opened the Telegraph and found the same tale , though told in less lurid terms .
19 Over the past 20 years , factories in the West have become increasingly dependent on materials which , though used in relatively low quantities , are vital to many of today 's industrial , consumer and defence products .
20 As observed in statistically developed countries ( Acsadi , 1959 ) , birth weight is lowest for babies whose mothers were 16 years old or younger at birth .
21 The advantages of computer generated protocols over paper systems will become apparent only when tested in more demanding circumstances .
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