Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] to [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On Nov. 9 the International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) was reported to have indicated that it would consider halting the shipment if it was found to be unsafe or shown to be vulnerable to accidents and piracy , as claimed by some IMO member states .
2 erm that 's the doubt and that doubt is going to be either borne out or shown to be wrong by the rest of John Major 's incumbents , so at the moment I 'll certainly give him the benefit of the doubt .
3 Meetings were often held in museums or educational institutions specially built or refurbished to be ready for the great occasion .
4 Initial conditions for the chemical constituents were taken from two-dimensional model results and adjusted to be consistent with recent observations .
5 It should be recognised that it is in the interests of all firms involved in the provision of financial services that regulation is adequate and seen to be adequate by investors , or custom will be lost for all concerned .
6 The burst of social legislation prior to 1914 was possible only within a context in which the most obvious social evils of the day , such as the poverty caused by old age , sickness and unemployment , had been identified and shown to be amenable to State action .
7 Reserves are known to be low in Sudan , and thought to be low in Ethiopia .
8 Researchers in Birmingham and Aarhus in Denmark have found a protein called LMP , produced by the virus and thought to be involved in the cancer , in cells from about half of a sample of 84 tumours from patients with Hodgkin 's disease .
9 We are continually recruiting gaming staff and we run our own training scheme whereby the recruit starts work as a slot cashier and if found to be suitable for casino work is then trained as a black-jack dealer .
10 It could be raised if found to be effective in achieving public interest objectives .
11 The Minister of Public Security , Wang Fang , said that foreigners would also be punished if found to be involved in any of the above activities .
12 And doomed to be one of the best detectives in the Met .
13 Choice will be limited in the future , as opposed to being better for the patients , since contractual agreements will be dictated by the purchasers and by the G P fund holders .
14 One problem with this is that , up until the break-up of the Bretton Woods system in the early 1970s , the postwar period was characterized by a world of fixed exchange rates , which suggests that rates of inflation should converge , as opposed to being different under different regimes , if fixed parities are to be maintained .
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