Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] [prep] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For example , Gumperz identifies the following functions ( 1982 : 75 – 84 ) : quotations ( using a different code to mark a stretch of quoted speech ) , addressee specification ( choosing a code to pick out one 's intended addressee ) , interjections ( " sentence fillers " offset from the the main content of the sentence by a code switch ) , reiteration ( the message content is emphasised by repeating it in the other code ) , message qualification ( the main content of the message is " qualified " or adjusted by a clause in the other code ) , personalisation versus objectivisation .
2 Although I recognise that for obvious reasons the Secretary of State will not want to be locked or painted into a figure of 512 as the maximum , which is what it would be , will he tell the House whether , in the light of last week 's discussions with President Yeltsin and the changes that have taken place since Christmas , the Government are now considering the minimum deterrent to be somewhat lower than they had previously considered it necessary to be ?
3 Week two , an analysis written , hand or drawn or painted of an example of pre-Raphaelite work .
4 In personal injury cases that element of damage which is common to all , physical injury , can not as such be eliminated or ameliorated by an award of money .
5 As a matter of good practice copies of the documents should either be attached to the disclosure letter or placed in a file of documents delivered with the letter .
6 The bottom and topsides were payed or stopped with a putty like composition .
7 Vinyl is practical , so is vinyl-coated cork , and linoleum , which now comes in all colours and can be inlaid or arranged in a pattern in various shades with quite spectacular results .
8 If the child has become lost or frightened as a result of parental neglect , then the adult in question may expect to be admonished by the fairy , who dislikes irresponsibility and carelessness .
9 9.17 Frustration of reinstatement Landlords sometimes include a proviso that the landlord should have the right to terminate the lease in the event of reinstatement being frustrated or delayed as a result of circumstances beyond the landlord 's control .
10 Order 15 , r 1 provides that the court may at any time allow or direct any person to be added , struck out or substituted as a party to proceedings in accordance with the High Court practice ( see RSC , Ord 15 , r 6 ; Ord 20 , rr 5 , 8 ) .
11 Apparently they neither walk nor swim , but spend their time either in the air or perched on a branch of a tree to roost .
12 Full compliance with environmental legislation remains a key , yet elusive , target and I regret that in 1992 ICI was prosecuted or fined on a number of occasions for accidental environmental infringements .
13 However once employment had ended it could be used or disclosed by an employee in competition with his former employer .
14 Elements of the design are developed or resolved in a series of local activities .
15 Or attacked by a plague of locusts ? ’
16 This involved a Parent Chat Sheet , part of which was filled in by the parent or written by a member of staff for the parent during the chat .
17 that he was inside a dwelling and had no reason to believe that the words or behaviour used , or the writing , sign or other visible representation displayed , would be heard or seen by a person outside that or any other dwelling , or
18 ‘ It is a defence for the accused to prove — ( a ) that he had no reason to believe that there was any person within hearing or sight who was likely to be caused harassment , alarm or distress , or ( b ) that he was inside a dwelling and had no reason to believe that the words or behaviour used , or the writing , sign or other visible representation displayed , would be heard or seen by a person outside that or any other dwelling , or ( c ) that his conduct was reasonable . ’
19 ‘ ( 4 ) In proceedings for an offence under this section it is a defence for the accused to prove that he was inside a dwelling and had no reason to believe that the words or behaviour used , or the written material displayed , would be heard or seen by a person outside that or any other dwelling . ’
20 Finally , two paintings , both listed as ‘ Untitled ’ ( 1979 ) , in the exhibition , are death-like with the horse figure hanging vertical or slumped in a corner against a field of greys .
21 The application by a non-natural person must name the person who is to be responsible for the day-to-day running of the premises , and the licence granted or transferred as a result of the application must name both the non-natural person and the person who is to run the premises .
22 These details can be viewed or transferred to a file for subsequent printing .
23 The herbs are ground together and either rolled into pellets for pondfish or made into a kind of tea which is added to the aquarium water .
24 Although these cases do not happen often , if you are assaulted or threatened by a client in the ES takes it very seriously .
25 The obvious conclusion to be drawn from this is that precise numbers of TVRs accumulated by a campaign according to BARB , predicted at the planning stage , or promised in a package by a TV contractor , have a significant built-in factor of error : precision is mythical .
26 If acquired distinctiveness depends on associative mechanisms , we might expect it to be attenuated or abolished by a change of context that renders these associations less effective .
27 The scanning acoustic microscope can turn this sort of variation in the amount of sound energy absorbed or reflected within a specimen into an image that the human eye can interpret .
28 These features may be categorized or classified in a number of ways .
29 Alcoves like this can also be treated like separate small rooms and lined with mirror ; or with the curtain or shade fabric ; or painted or papered in a colour from the room scheme which is at the same time different from the main walls .
30 How should today 's young Germans treat Hitler 's legacy — should his bunker be bulldozered for good , or preserved as a warning of the evils he stood for ?
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