Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] [adv] on a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 No books left lying about , no newspapers scattered or folded untidily on a table , no dirty cups or glasses .
2 In December 1940 , Wolverton Road Vehicle Shop undertook the construction of four Mobile Kitchens , on the lines of a container which could be lifted and placed either on a road trailer or lorry , or on a railway freight wagon — exactly the same idea as the container which the LMS developed pre-war for removing furniture directly from door to door .
3 Ngune was helped into the back of the van and placed gently on a palliasse with his head resting on a pillow .
4 There are numerous castles to visit for a day trip including the magnificent Harlech Castle built between 1283 and 1289 and perched proudly on a cliff .
5 The DES 's New Formula for grant aid , which is complicated but based essentially on a head-count of students attending courses as the future basis for allocation of grant ( the grant having , anyway , undergone a global reduction ) , exacerbates considerably such tendencies .
6 Now it is known that ripening tomatoes ripen faster when placed together on a window ledge , because they produce ethylene gas which stimulates their neighbours to faster and synchronous ripening .
7 For example , if you were thinking of ways of decorating the bedroom of a feminine little girl , you could make a series of miniatures , each bearing a single letter , which when hung together on a wall spelt out her name .
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