Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] as [pron] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The runway lights came on , two lines of haloed yellow flares that faded as they converged into the curtains of rain and smoke .
2 By a great effort of will she quelled the tremor that threatened as she went into his arms .
3 They withdrew down a gulley to the beach under fire that intensified as they remained below the cliffs , a sea mist shrouding their signals to the landing craft .
4 The strongest smell on the roof , though , was of the coke that sang as it burned in the brazier .
5 Daemons howled and gibbered as they surged through the carnage .
6 She giggled and pouted as he chatted to her .
7 The needle immediately showed a reading , which then strengthened and weakened as he moved about the warehouse .
8 Outwardly he was calm and composed as he walked in the warm evening sunshine towards the House , but like the swans gliding serenely across the water , he too was paddling like hell underneath .
9 He choked back the tears and shook as he told of how he 'd been driving along the road when steam started coming out of the bonnet .
10 She took the photograph back and sighed as she stared at it .
11 The thing which had seemed so hard was simple now , the gulf that had appeared unbridgable shrank to a child 's leap , and vanished as he stepped over it .
12 Fabia smiled , and discovered as she stood under the shower , that she was cheerfully humming a snatch of one of Dvořák 's Humoresques .
13 Too taken aback to know what else to do , Folly stood aside and watched as he carried in four more boxes .
14 With a foolish sense of loss she stood and watched as he hurried down the path towards the waiting Bentley .
15 Gorbachev and Co were jeered and booed as they stood on Lenin 's mausoleum .
16 One of the younger men with red hair was saying something to him , and Yuan answered briefly , and bowed as he sat in his place .
17 Her fists clenched and unclenched as she spoke in a low furious mutter .
18 She smiled and went and put the kettle on , and listened as he wriggled like a worm on a hook .
19 She watched and listened as he sat on the bed , held the frightened woman 's hand and made her believe it too .
20 They looked at each other and laughed as they went for the top A and each found that no noise came out at all .
21 I sat and cried as I thought of the danger to Elizabeth .
22 Cowley took the picture and smiled as he peered at it .
23 Several people waved theirs at Bobbie , and smiled as she went by — people who never usually waved or smiled at her .
24 ‘ Cheap , ’ he granted her ruthlessly , and smiled as she glanced in the direction of Florian , who was now dancing energetically with the exotically lovely Nicky Kai .
25 ‘ In spite of having Alan Morris in the family , ’ Lesley said , and smiled as she drew into the left traffic lane at the lights on the outskirts of Comerbourne .
26 And then she heard the words that surprised and startled , confused her , so that the green eyes that flashed and sparked with anger softened and melted as she looked at him and heard each gently spoken syllable .
27 The temperature had dropped during the night , and the dead leaves underfoot were bearded with ice ; they broke and crackled as he limped around the car and opened the trunk to get his kit .
28 He was set upon and punched as he walked near the park 's tennis courts and the robbers made off with his wallet and jacket .
29 He stopped by the gate and waited as she limped towards him in the darkness .
30 Carson carried her weekend bag through a brick archway to a side door , and waited as she looked for her key .
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