Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] up [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was rapping in my back as I was pushed past Roger Beeding and Roger de Mornay and closer and closer to the eight steps that led up to the low wooden platform on which was the gigantic cross and the large black-and-white photograph of Rose Fox .
2 From her seat she could see the winding road that led up to the elegant gateway of Casa Madrid , and she could even see the sprinklers sending blessed water swirling over the melon and pineapple fields .
3 This wedge-shaped promontory that led up to the isolated rock on which the castle itself stood was nowhere quite sheer , and stunted trees rooting precariously in its crevices afforded cover for one solitary boy , though they would not have hidden an approach in numbers .
4 Casually , keeping a light touch on Haminh 's mind , she wandered over to the metal ramp that led up to the residential walkway , encouraging Haminh with light touches to turn into the gangpath instead of walking straight past to her own doorway .
5 Ben stood before the shallow flight of steps that led up to the main entrance , his head tilted back as he studied the frontage .
6 The path ended at the wide stone steps that led up to the main entrance of the lodge .
7 How could she be expected to cope with stupid computers that had n't the wit to understand a simple error , or calculators that came up with the wrong numbers ?
8 Even though the morning 's inclement weather prevented some aircraft from reaching Rendcomb , an interesting selection of display and visiting aircraft could be seen by the undaunted crown that turned up during the awful morning .
9 Of all the German patriotic associations that sprang up along the eastern borders in the 1890s it was the Ostmarkenverein , the Eastern Marches Society founded in 1894 , that was to have the most profound impact on German border society .
10 The ‘ Golden Ring ’ is an eleven-day journey from Leningrad to Moscow , travelling through the ninth and eleventh-century fortified towns that sprang up in the central and north- eastern regions of Russia .
11 In the fire-comer stood a black-and-white goat , with knobby little horns and eyes like yellow glass , and on the hearth lay a very large cat , a multi-coloured , mazy-patterned brindled cat , that looked up at the little tailor with eyes like cold green jewels , with black slits for pupils .
12 But the cry that went up from the angry crowd , kept at bay by the military , was ‘ Ireland starves , England profits ! ’
13 In the thirty-foot-long , dark-panelled bedroom , she lay upon the Jacobean four-poster bed and gazed up at the crimson brocade canopy .
14 She straightened her shoulders and gazed up at the unremitting blue of the sky .
15 She sat quite still , the little book in her lap and gazed up at the pale candle flame , hardly seeing it , so busy was her inward eye upon the scenes that had held her in thrall for two hours or more .
16 She climbed out of the ‘ speeder and gazed up at the darkening sky .
17 5.3.1 an aggregate sum of ten thousand dollars ( $10,000 ) as an advance on the sums due under clause 5.3.2 below and made up of the following payments :
18 I covered a good deal of ground rapidly but not running and caught up with the shapely backview of a dark-haired girl .
19 So she ran down through the trees and caught up with the old woman just as she was about to start off across the marsh .
20 While the adults sat about and caught up with the local gossip , the children would round off the day with sports .
21 All prisoners serving a year or more will be put on licence when released and supervised up to the three-quarter point of their sentence and , for some sex offenders until the end of their sentence ;
22 I sat on my bed feeling like the man who got drunk and woke up in the French foreign legion .
23 Somehow a collection for the next few months was cobbled together and gobbled up by the hungry customers .
24 Which was n't precisely what she was worried about , thought Folly as she ducked under the rotors and climbed up into the bubble-like cockpit .
25 Gilly dragged a heavy stuffed chair backward to the shelf and climbed up on the very top of its back .
26 But then the weather changed and although things were given and flowering it was cold and windy and it seemed strange there should be all that blossom , wrong like , as if it had made a mistake and popped up at the wrong time — that was because I had felt the warmth of those few nice days .
27 After her act another blonde in black , thigh length leather boots , studded belt , bra and pants strutted onto the stage , removed her top and stepped up to the front row , where the Koreans stuffed dollar notes down the front of her knickers .
28 She opened her door and waved up at the smiling figure on the stair .
29 The Mercedes burst into flames and broke up with the burning wreckage being thrown among the spectators .
30 LIFEBOATMEN went into action this afternoon when a raft overturned and broke up during the annual Merseyside Police charity race on the Mersey .
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