Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] that he [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Zen gulped down the rest of his coffee and announced that he had to be going .
2 The Headmaster expressed his concurrence with the suggestion as the Technical School could supply subjects of instruction not dealt with at a Grammar School , and stated that he had under consideration a scheme as to classes and fees having this object in view . "
3 This began with some flattering words about us both , and implied that he had for long been unable to make up his mind about the abdication .
4 Fran had read all she could about Luke Calder before the interview and knew that he came from the poorest part of Glasgow and that he had got to where he was today by dint of sheer hard work and determination , but , looking at him now , she found it hard to imagine that he had come from anything but a moneyed background .
5 For its part , the Phnom Penh government insisted that the " obstacle " of the former ruler must not be allowed to hold up the peace process , and denied that he had to be SNC chair under September 's Jakarta agreement on setting up the SNC .
6 The caller did not know Tim Wallis well , but knew that he spoke with an American accent .
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