Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [prep] [noun sg] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The most spectacular known to me in Europe were the great rock-falls that occurred from tile sheer face of Ramnefjell ( Raven Mountain ) into Loenfjord in central Norway in 1905 and 1936 , producing waves which wiped out local communities and carried a steamer a considerable distance inland .
2 The letter ( the one we have just been talking about , the one that arrived by post this morning , the one containing Aunt Kitty 's cheque … ) is in the drawer ( the one in the desk , the one in the dressing table upstairs , the one in the kitchen where we always put the post … ) .
3 Remember Ti'ko , the computer company that went into liquidation last November ?
4 All of which explained that when I arrived at the BMC 's International Meet halfway through the week , the climbers that drifted into breakfast that morning looked like they 'd been on the receiving end of a very nasty artillery barrage .
5 Garlic was much disliked ; the amount of oil was heavily frowned upon , and Clara was enraptured by the spectacle of the profound and shocked indignation which greeted a certain sausage that appeared for lunch one day .
6 The reaction was stopped by addition of 10% fetal calf serum in DMEM , cells were pelleted by centrifugation ( 300 g/ 10 min ) and resuspended in serum free medium .
7 One interesting side effect of the fire in Ankh-Morpork concerns the inn-sewer-ants policy , which left the city through the ravaged roof of the Broken Drum , was wafted high into the discworld 's atmosphere on the ensuing thermal , and came to earth several days and a few thousand miles away on an uloruaha bush in the beTrobi islands .
8 ‘ She said , ‘ This is what love is for — I 'm coming over , ’ and she set off for Rocamar and arrived at breakfast next day . ’
9 He stayed the night at Salines , and arrived at noon next day at Kouklia .
10 As a result , the whole contract was completed on time and opened on schedule this week , less than a year after work on the site began .
11 I was beginning to think that the staring match would never stop when he suddenly sat down and began to finger some papers on the top of his desk .
12 The second view unacceptable to Christians is that the Jesus who lived and walked on earth 2000 years ago is not the same person who is called ‘ Son of God ’ , and who is with God the Father .
13 During his exile he has also lived in the US and worked with migrant Mexican workers .
14 The gesture not only delighted Ellen but touched staff at the Godfrey Ermen Home for the Blind in Southport where the couple met and fell in love eight years ago .
15 In the next few weeks , however , she became more cheerful , and went to church one Sunday morning .
16 Clare Leighton , of Cannock , Staffordshire , developed massive internal bleeding and died in hospital 36 hours after being admitted in a delirious condition .
17 Now they are virtually outnumbered by settlers , many of whom have been issued with rifles , trained by the army and enlisted into village paramilitary forces .
18 Giulio Andreotti resigned as Prime Minister on March 29 , but continued as caretaker Prime Minister while members of the five-party ruling coalition negotiated over its future .
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