Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [conj] she [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By a great effort of will she quelled the tremor that threatened as she went into his arms .
2 De Valois reiterated that thought when she said in a lecture to teachers ( 1947 ) : ‘ Classical dance requires an ordered , balanced form in which a calm spaciousness of movement animates the dancers .
3 She walked along by the shops , and stopped when she came to a door with ‘ Madame Eloise — Hair ’ on it .
4 She took the photograph back and sighed as she stared at it .
5 After a week , Val came back , tearful and shaky , and declared that she meant at least to earn her living , and would take a course in shorthand-typing .
6 Fabia smiled , and discovered as she stood under the shower , that she was cheerfully humming a snatch of one of Dvořák 's Humoresques .
7 Her fists clenched and unclenched as she spoke in a low furious mutter .
8 Finally she shut herself in the attic room on Ella 's day off and sobbed until she ached in body and soul .
9 He slowly lifted the hand which had been clutching his , opened it and very gently implanted a kiss on its palm , and laughed when she gasped at the caress .
10 Several people waved theirs at Bobbie , and smiled as she went by — people who never usually waved or smiled at her .
11 ‘ Cheap , ’ he granted her ruthlessly , and smiled as she glanced in the direction of Florian , who was now dancing energetically with the exotically lovely Nicky Kai .
12 ‘ In spite of having Alan Morris in the family , ’ Lesley said , and smiled as she drew into the left traffic lane at the lights on the outskirts of Comerbourne .
13 And then she heard the words that surprised and startled , confused her , so that the green eyes that flashed and sparked with anger softened and melted as she looked at him and heard each gently spoken syllable .
14 She leaped up the track and ran until she felt as if her lungs would burst .
15 And so it was that , just after five on Friday evening , a large black Bentley , with not a sign of a dent anywhere , drew up outside Lisa 's little terraced cottage and waited while she darted into Josey 's to collect her daughter , then into her own house to pick up their luggage .
16 He stopped by the gate and waited as she limped towards him in the darkness .
17 Carson carried her weekend bag through a brick archway to a side door , and waited as she looked for her key .
18 She saw by his face that he had not , and grimaced as she thought of the gruesome tasks she was obliged to perform , degrading both for herself and for her far from easy patient .
19 When pressed to give her views on Fatima , the daughter of the prophet Mohamad ( whose birthday is Women 's Day in Iran ) she praised Fatima but added that she belonged to 14 centuries ago .
20 Distraught Hobbins began pestering her , but apologised when she complained to his bosses at Chelsea Barracks .
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