Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [conj] it was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They have , of course , heard about the Holy Spirit , but have either put it all down to typical ecclesiastical in-talk , or assumed that it was not intended for ordinary folk like themselves .
2 The principle of treatment by similars — that what a remedy could produce it could also cure — was as far as we know first put forward by the Greek physician Hippocrates in the fifth century B C. Over the centuries , however , it was forgotten or disregarded and it was not until the end of the eighteenth century that it was rediscovered empirically by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann .
3 ‘ I saw you in the High Street the other day , ’ he would say , in a tone that suggested that it was quite impossible for Henry to have seen him .
4 I filed that away and asked if it was all right for the girls to stay until the doctors had done their rounds .
5 As the struggle progressed he came to see the inadequacies of the term and realized that it was too constricted in its meaning and gave rise to confusion and misunderstanding .
6 In the opening decades of the 19th century Glasgow woke up and found that it was no longer an ancient market place reached by tree-lined avenues .
7 He tore it open and found that it was n't empty , just that the fine powder inside took up so little space .
8 I noticed this with distaste , and rejoiced that it was not the asparagus season .
9 I perused the beast and proclaimed that it was indeed a woolly mammoth , of the genus Mammuthus primigenius .
10 The guard who had brought them went up beside the chair , knelt and spoke quietly to Bruce in a language Corbett could not understand and guessed that it was probably Gaelic , a language totally alien to him .
11 Mr Coase asked if this analysis was good economics , and showed that it was not .
12 He began to teach men and women the kingdom of God and declared that it was already in their midst .
13 The Court of Appeal , however , thought the acquittals wrong and declared that it was not going to ‘ compound the error ’ by quashing the convictions .
14 Jenny begged him every day to change his mind , but he was a busy man and declared that it was quite out of the question and he wished to goodness Miss Clinton had never mentioned the subject of Brownies !
15 I afterwards met Mr Blair at the Congress , and observing his deep solicitude for Kildalton , I admitted the claims which its neglected state had upon my faith and affection , and remarked that it was not the pecuniary sacrifice that I should make that would deter me , so much as the expenditure I had lately incurred on my House and Glebe , and which would in a measure be thrown away , by my moving to Islay .
16 They had heard the gist of Cramer 's call and sensed that it was all going to fail , somehow , somewhere .
17 ‘ Hello , ’ she returned , and discovered that it was quite pleasant to bump into someone she knew .
18 She felt it and discovered that it was very soft and stretchy .
19 The Court of Appeal considered whether an adjudicator 's decision in a construction contract ( see 6.8.5 ) was enforceable as an arbitration award , and decided that it was not , but their judgment was based on the interim nature of the adjudicator 's decision pending arbitration to which the decision would be subject , and not on any of the usual characteristics of experts ' decisions : the interim nature of adjudicators ' decisions is itself untypical of experts ' decisions .
20 After half a mile she had rejected this hypothesis and decided that it was merely because she was unattractive , the sort of person who , fifty years ago , would have worn rubber galoshes .
21 It was obviously more than a weed or even a wild flower so I did a quick turn-round and decided that it was quite pretty with its two-tone yellow tubular flowers and ferny leaves .
22 I pondered on these things and felt that it was not good …
23 Mrs. O'Brien said that she believed what her husband told her about the company doing well and having good potential , but she was concerned for her son and felt that it was only for three weeks , and if it would do the trick , she would sign .
24 She glanced at her watch and saw that it was almost midnight .
25 They all looked at the dark square and saw that it was hardly a manhole , more of a childhole .
26 Then he pulled down the oven door , smelt the sweet , fatty smell of the meat and knew that it was probably this very fact that accounted for his decision to go through with the business .
27 The court was satisfied that the conference had been conducted in a fair manner and stressed that it was not a judicial process .
28 The Government complained about the cost and said that it was not a matter for them or that matters were not that bad .
29 So I did — my mother had that drawing for many years — and then Mr Moore rang my mother and said that it was so nice having me in his class because I was so interested and keen , but there was n't really a lot of point , and would n't it be better if I played the piano ?
30 The coach was an Embassy staffer in Rome and said that it was twice as good having helpers who were n't parents .
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