Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [conj] [pers pn] [was/were] not " in BNC.

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1 They have , of course , heard about the Holy Spirit , but have either put it all down to typical ecclesiastical in-talk , or assumed that it was not intended for ordinary folk like themselves .
2 The principle of treatment by similars — that what a remedy could produce it could also cure — was as far as we know first put forward by the Greek physician Hippocrates in the fifth century B C. Over the centuries , however , it was forgotten or disregarded and it was not until the end of the eighteenth century that it was rediscovered empirically by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann .
3 Some of the children were screaming as they watched the tussle going on between the nun and the girl whom they secretly admired and envied because she was n't afraid of the dreaded Sister Mary .
4 Challenged after the meeting by our reporter and asked if she was not being a bit melodramatic , Dorothy said : ’ ‘ It is disgraceful that you have gatecrashed a private meeting like this , and reported on thoughts that have not been fully developed yet .
5 Then he saw the look on Lucie 's face , the long strip of sweat down the centre of his shirt , and realized that he was not enjoying himself , and that Garvey was .
6 And realised that she was n't quite sure what she was supposed to do next .
7 Fabia could n't help picking up the air of excitement about her , and realised that she was n't the only one when barely had they sat down with a cup of tea than her father , an observant man , was asking , ‘ Are you going to tell us about it — or is it a secret ? ’
8 He looked round and realised that he was not quite sure where he was .
9 They checked on the possibility that saccadic movements made with the eyes closed , or in the dark , might be slowed , or that the velocity may then be independent of length of saccade , and found that they were not : that is , waking eye movements with eyes closed , or in the dark , are the same as with eyes opened and in the light .
10 After I had finally collected my British passport from Petty France , I bought an Evening Standard and found that I was n't in the team .
11 He tore it open and found that it was n't empty , just that the fine powder inside took up so little space .
12 I noticed this with distaste , and rejoiced that it was not the asparagus season .
13 Cuvier investigated the bones of the ancient elephants and showed that they were not the same as the living African and Indian elephants .
14 Mr Coase asked if this analysis was good economics , and showed that it was not .
15 The Court of Appeal , however , thought the acquittals wrong and declared that it was not going to ‘ compound the error ’ by quashing the convictions .
16 Much braver than Louisa — ; who was offended by this comparison and declared that she was not at all afraid .
17 I afterwards met Mr Blair at the Congress , and observing his deep solicitude for Kildalton , I admitted the claims which its neglected state had upon my faith and affection , and remarked that it was not the pecuniary sacrifice that I should make that would deter me , so much as the expenditure I had lately incurred on my House and Glebe , and which would in a measure be thrown away , by my moving to Islay .
18 His voice was pleasant and indicated that he was n't from this part of the country ; the South , she imagined .
19 Fitzroy Maclean spoke to them and discovered that they were not at all suspicious .
20 The driver charged an enormous amount of money ‘ on account of the petrol crisis ’ and swore when he was n't given a tip to match .
21 I telephoned the next day , and the producer , having chatted with me awhile and ascertained that I was not a nutter ( I think ) , asked me to make a programme .
22 She wondered if wild creatures were capable of envy , and decided that they were not .
23 The Court of Appeal considered whether an adjudicator 's decision in a construction contract ( see 6.8.5 ) was enforceable as an arbitration award , and decided that it was not , but their judgment was based on the interim nature of the adjudicator 's decision pending arbitration to which the decision would be subject , and not on any of the usual characteristics of experts ' decisions : the interim nature of adjudicators ' decisions is itself untypical of experts ' decisions .
24 Last night a spokesman for Scottish Enterprise denied there was any question of either its or LiS 's abusing power and insisted that they were not actively marketing Rosyth and it had been the market that has sought out the opportunities .
25 I pondered on these things and felt that it was not good …
26 She nearly said , ‘ And you are larger , ’ but did n't , only looked up into his face and saw that he was not a young man , perhaps even as much as forty .
27 He turned his head and smiled down at her — she looked into his eyes , and knew that he was n't fooled for a minute .
28 The court was satisfied that the conference had been conducted in a fair manner and stressed that it was not a judicial process .
29 He got a letter on file , he produced a load of stats which were a load of bollocks and prove and proved that we were n't losing any business and then he they had a deal with us which was Eurobudget with no restrictions when they were based at Dagenham
30 ‘ There were a few kids who came up to meet me and said that they were n't going to vote until they heard what I had to say . ’
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