Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [conj] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes I felt I was being followed or watched whilst seated in a tavern or moving amongst the stalls in Cheapside .
2 Skirting a small lake , they had stared to see a great , grey fisher-bird that stabbed and paddled in the sedge , until a flight of wild duck had frightened them away with their clamour .
3 They seemed so much less menacing than the crows that pecked and fought in the newly harvested fields at home .
4 His eyes were still lingering on the curves hidden by the black material that caught and shimmered in the light as she moved .
5 It swirled among pots that tingled and glimmered in a dance of fly-ash .
6 The economics of the base could not explain everything that existed or occurred in the superstructure ; as Marx 's collaborator Engels had suggested , the economy was only the mainspring of history ‘ in the last analysis ’ ( Gramsci , 1971 : 162 ) .
7 In particular , they tend to find collective expression , as with the medieval dances of St John and St Vitus ; the wild and orgiastic festivities of ancient near-Eastern religion , with their song and dance and sexual licence ; and , in Greece , the choruses that sang and danced in the worship of the fertility god , Dionysus .
8 Then came a slight breeze , that grew and went in the space of a few heartbeats .
9 It unfolded from a slim oblong into a sheet-sized square that flapped and fought in the wind and did n't bear much resemblance to what she 'd seen of the City so far .
10 We found a solitary gasolene pump and got the owner of it up from his couch of rags in a kennel-like shelter of tin and packing cases that rattled and moaned in the fitful wind .
11 ½ tons ) in the Works Iron Foundry and machined by the Machine Shop , the component parts also being manufactured in the Machine Shop and wired and fitted in the Electric Shop .
12 She confirmed to McIllvanney that the weather-fax machine and the Loran and the Satnav and the radar and all the other things that hummed and winked and glowed in the night were working properly .
13 Afterwards they went to a nightclub and danced and smooched in the smoky blackness , cleaning their throats from time to time with champagne .
14 The latter writes : " Then he went on the in the year 833 … and returned and died in the month of Rajab . "
15 They may seem inexpensive , but a will is a legal document and should be drawn up carefully and signed and witnessed in a particular way .
16 He could have basked in the illusion of being a benevolent father-figure to his people , actually loved and appreciated and secure in the knowledge that even after he went , things would go on along the tracks he had laid down .
17 Pauline added : ‘ He was a great performer , and worked and worked in the clubs . ’
18 I reached the square and went and sat in the Café des Chasseurs , where men with nowhere to rush sat smoking and drinking , blank-faced .
19 and went and sat in the corner of the bathroom and went , scowled at him for a bit !
20 Then , suddenly and unexpectedly , in the spring of 1933 my uncle collapsed lapsed and died while walking in a friend 's garden .
21 Prototype units were designed at the international workshops and discussed and modified in the field for the APSP was far more decentralised than the Mathematics programme .
22 In her essay ‘ Sculpture in the Expanded Field ’ , 5 art historian Rosalind Krauss explored ideas about categories in ways that might be useful to this discussion about textiles : ‘ over the last 10 years rather surprising things have come to be called sculpture : narrow corridors with TV monitors at the ends , large photographs documenting country hikes … categories like sculpture and painting have been kneaded and stretched and twisted in an extraordinary demonstration of elasticity , and display of the way in which a cultural term can be extended to include just about anything ’ .
23 Short-skirted and heavily made-up , she smoked and drank and behaved in a way that outraged many of the older generation .
24 They slammed the door behind them and panted and smiled in the darkness .
25 The arrow left the string lightly , almost lazily , and struck and quivered in the centre of the path , some yards before the horse 's feet .
26 At that point he was attacked by twelve Bf109s , but evaded and got in a good burst at one that overshot him .
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