Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [adv] [prep] [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 A buffeting wind rushed over the land , bringing with it salt that clung insistently to Elisabeth 's face .
2 The tensions and conflicts that arose out of Italy 's struggle for unification were paralleled in the art of the nineteenth-century by the antagonism between Romanticism and Realism .
3 At first they talked easily about David 's chances of demobilisation , and the kind of law he would practise when he eventually got back to London , and his prospects of fighting a reasonably safe seat at the next General Election , but inevitably that led on to Julia 's plans .
4 Both the food and the surroundings more than lived up to Luke 's predictions .
5 Bernice almost laughed at the comical expression of shock that passed momentarily over Molassi 's normally impassive features .
6 But in 1838 it was Malthus 's theodicy of ancient empires , not his political economy of the modern state that bore decisively on Darwin 's biogeography and ecology ( Bowler , 1976 ) .
7 It was Jim Callaghan 's dithering in 1978 and failure to anticipate the horrors and effect of the ‘ winter of discontent ’ that contributed substantially to Labour 's defeat in the General Election the following year .
8 She could see them standing on the ridge of hill that rose up behind Tara 's eastern boundaries , sending out the strong magic of the Samhailt to their creatures , so that the woods and the streams and the hillsides thrummed and quivered with the Mindsong .
9 Sylvie recognized the look that came momentarily over Alexei 's face .
10 The shot that came back off Shilton 's bar in the last minute in Chorzow — a couple of inches lower , and England might have been on their way out of the World Cup — was a symbolic warning .
11 But he was n't prepared for the shock of seeing those eyes , his daughter 's eyes of startling green flecked with gold , that looked out from Simon 's face .
12 Mr Swanson arrived at the reception area and was shown to the private lift that went straight to Miranda 's office on the top floor .
13 An umpire told me : ‘ What 's happened to Don was no reflection on his unswerving attempt to get the truth told over everything that went on at Lord 's .
14 Another reason why the country needs to be saved from a Labour Government is that it is bad enough to have the type of nonsense that went on in Luigi 's restaurant happening when the Labour party is in opposition , but it would be especially ridiculous if it happened with the Labour party in government .
15 She dimly perceived the terrible conflict that went on in Johnny 's mind between the dark side of his nature and the knowledge of how he should behave — of the actions expected of him because , as he would have put it , he was a Gentleman .
16 Destroying everything that went before in Franco 's times .
17 ‘ Sing for my supper , ’ Alina said with a kind of bitter weariness that ran completely against Angelica 's perception of her character .
18 It was there that he met up with William 's younger brother John — they were contemporaries , having both been born in the same year — and began a friendship that ended only with John 's death in 1793 .
19 He just sat in his chair and gazed up at Granny 's picture in its faded gilt frame .
20 He turned to the altar again and gazed up at Paddy 's back and tried to concentrate .
21 He took a deep breath and gazed squarely into Kirov 's eyes .
22 Athelstan rubbed his mouth with his thumb and gazed directly at Cranston 's sorrowful face .
23 WILLIAMS is arrested and led off at BELVILLE 's bidding . ]
24 ‘ Yes sir , ’ said Anne and moved slowly to Gilbert 's desk .
25 I dismissed the thoughts as too disturbing and concentrated instead on Selkirk 's poem .
26 She glanced around the varying expressions , and focussed finally on Guy 's calm , unreadable gaze .
27 The harsh central neon light glared down onto the contours of the sheeting , and gouged back at Erlich 's eyes from the white-tiled walls .
28 He managed to sleep for a couple of hours , then rose and wandered off to Franco 's bar to see if Maidstone was there .
29 Fonda finished reading and drove around to Nicholson 's house .
30 Now Evans got back into his car and drove round to Connon 's house .
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