Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [pron] [noun] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We asked respondents whether they had been stopped ( on foot or in a vehicle ) or had their house searched in the last year , and whether they had been arrested in the last five years ( called here , ‘ stopped , etc . ’ )
2 Her remark had been in bad taste , she acknowledged , but that was no reason for him to lay into her with yet another string of personal insults , all dished out in that patronising way that got her blood heated to boiling-point .
3 The cat miaowed piteously again , and suddenly Virginia 's kind heart broke through the spell of fear and doubt that kept her feet glued to the path .
4 When she stepped from the car he had greeted her with careful formality and his manner had remained stiff and impersonal as they began the ride ; but she sensed a tension in him too and knew intuitively that it was not a lack of interest that kept his gaze averted from her .
5 There were thirty tumours from patients that had their diagnosis delayed by a mean of four months .
6 He also fancied himself as an inventor — a pastime that had his mother caught between maternal pride and an almost uncontrollable urge to murder him .
7 The resistance began when lesbians and gays organized themselves and made their voices heard throughout the country .
8 With Osbern of Eu and a group of his own leaders and their following , Thorfinn had visited the Lothians and made his views known to the offending bands with frightening precision .
9 The leading actor had believed in it so heartily that he had kicked it in mid-speech and got his foot embedded in it .
10 ‘ That 's right , and got his sentence reduced for doing it .
11 She looked hastily away — and found her eyes glued to a body that had no business being so magnetically attractive .
12 I heard of one 35-year-old secretary who bought a special offer at a solarium , soaked up 50 half-hour sessions of artificial sun in ten weeks , and found her shins covered with large , dark , irregular freckles that remained and spread .
13 Cramped on the ground he tried to stretch and found his arms bound behind his back and his feet shackled in iron chains .
14 So saying he went back inside and banged his door shut behind him .
15 Then , taking a gulp of air , she leaned into the car and pressed his eyelids shut with the forefinger and thumb of her right hand , shuddering as the icy coldness of his flesh communicated itself to her .
16 Tao Chu , in contrast , seemed younger than his eight years and wore his heart embroidered like a peacock on his sleeve .
17 Her figure was ungainly in the late stages of pregnancy but she wrapped her red wool shawl well round and kept her hands clasped in front so that it was not so noticeable .
18 I sat , dozed , slurped from the wineskin , said a few prayers and kept my eyes fastened on the Lady Chapel .
19 Once again she leaned against him and felt his hands clasped at her back .
20 ( George , sad to record , ‘ was displeased and thought his character endangered by the Dedication ’ . )
21 Their goals switched the spotlight back on the Ipswich title challenge as they moved to within seven points of their rivals and had their odds halved from 50-1 to 25-1 .
22 Both were boys of 8 years old and had their imaginations fired by Perry Mason , a fictional TV lawyer who helped the poor .
23 Dressed in black , undergraduates say they 've been gagged and had their hands tied in their attempts to persuade the governing body to maintain Somerville as a single sex college .
24 Dressed in black , undergraduates say they 've been gagged and had their hands tied in their attempts to persuade the governing body to maintain Somerville as a single sex college .
25 She was in a Chinese silk robe and had her hair gathered under a mob-cap .
26 She 'd slipped her shoes off and had her feet tucked under her bottom , her legs demurely covered by that gauzy dress , but it was too late , he 'd seen …
27 A 57-year-old woman who tried to help her was grabbed by the throat and had her head smashed on railings until she was nearly unconscious .
28 Isobel was ambitious , and had her sights set on the national news media ; unfortunately , so did every other young news-hustler in every backwater station in the country , and few of them were having to contend with sinuses that felt as if they 'd been stuffed with pillows .
29 ‘ He probably called while I was out , ’ she replied carelessly — and had her ears blasted for her trouble .
30 ‘ She seemed to know where she was going and had her eyes focused on that rather than her colleagues . ’
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