Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [prep] be [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Section 2 of the 1920 Act provides that communicating with a foreign agent is evidence of obtaining or attempting to obtain information calculated or intended to be useful to an enemy contrary to section 1 of the Act .
2 While Robyn was hesitating , the office began to fill up with men wearing drab suits and dull ties and with the pasty complexions that seemed to be common to everybody who worked in the factory .
3 I took my friendly Spanish grammar to the library every day and tried to be polite to Jefferson when he maddened me at meals .
4 I let him have his pet , but in the end I went and tried to be nice to him ( because I knew I must get him to send that letter ) .
5 You cared about other people and tried to be kind to them , even though they were strangers you would probably never meet again .
6 There do seem to be some concerns which recur throughout the interviews and seemed to be crucial to people 's views about decision-making in the education and lives of young disabled people .
7 The chaplain called our office a few days later and seemed to be open to information offered regarding preparation for Todd 's First Communion .
8 Sir Edward Boyle , probably the most gifted and perceptive Conservative Education Minister of the post-war years , appreciated that for schools to flourish teachers need to be kept abreast of good practice and encouraged to be responsive to the findings of contemporary research .
9 This continued until the other day , when the fish ended up floating on its back and appeared to be close to death , although it recovered .
10 Morrissey was still very upset about that incident and wanted to be close to the decision makers .
11 Mrs Huntley sighed ; her brother whom she had loved , but knew to be self-indulgent to a fault , had done his niece real harm by leaving so much of his money away from the girl who had confidently believed herself to be his favourite thing on earth .
12 He presented a detailed theoretical analysis of skilled movement , showing that the sequencing of actions , the serial order of behaviour , could not be due to feedback stimuli from one movement triggering the next , as S-R theory argued , but had to be due to central programming of the sequence .
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