Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [prep] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The reception was held in the Lynhurst Hotel , followed by a party that continued until late into the night .
2 They were carved laboriously out of the solid rock hundreds of years ago for the purpose of pounding soe , or ground bait , a practice that continued until late in the 19th century .
3 When Princess Flavia heard that the King was hurt , she refused to stay at Tarlenheim House and rode at once to the Castle of Zenda .
4 Angela Foley , the twenty-seven-year-old personal secretary to the Director of Hoggatt 's Laboratory , picked up the envelope and guessed at once by the quality of the paper , the expertly typed address and the London postmark what it must be .
5 She sat back in her seat and looked across squarely at the pair of them .
6 The economic strength of society is not something that can be peeled off and thought of separately from the quality of the life of those who are members of that society .
7 At clipping time the sheep were driven in and penned , and as they were clipped , the fleeces were thrown up to a helper standing on the gallery and put at once into the wool store .
8 The manufacture of pottery seems to have begun there as early as AD 40 and continued at least until the end of the second century .
9 ‘ City of Truro ’ was in light steam for the last time on the WSR as a static exhibit but upstaged for once by a host of traction and ploughing engines , vintage vehicles and other displays !
10 Any retention and cash discount , therefore , would be ignored in the cost accounts but dealt with separately in the financial accounts .
11 Punch said nothing but slid at once from the room .
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