Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [verb] [pers pn] in the " in BNC.

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1 All who have kept wild animals as pets or got to know them in the wild have come to realize that they each have their own personality and manner of expression , within the constraints of that species ’ natural instincts .
2 During the six years that followed his restoration , Louis put together again the coalition of ecclesiastical and secular support that had sustained him in the 820s .
3 It was just this power and seriousness that had fascinated her in the first place .
4 He explained about the legend and the Monument and the meteorite that had brought it in the first place .
5 At once , he could see that it was the same monstrous nightmare that had attacked them in the basement .
6 She had never liked the arrangement that had installed her in the Ward household , but having heard the tragic story , and knowing how much it meant to the woman who had rescued her from a life of loneliness , how could she refuse ?
7 13–1–1906 They had under consideration the question of using the Hymnary in the public worship and agreed to use it in the summer if there was no serious collection among the people .
8 I asked if she remembered Old Red , and described meeting him in the subway , but not his current reputation , for that would have been less than tactful , as I hoped one day to marry them off , and unfair , since he had been so pleasant to me .
9 As a diversion , which would allow time for the passing of the trembling , I reached into my pocket , pulled out the tin of rubbers , and tried to open it in the dark .
10 As the rebels , sword in hand , ran after the retreating cavalry , sonic of the royal infantry stood their ground and tried to take them in the flank but the heavy rain had left most of their cartridges too damp to fire and the frustrated musketeers thereupon also took to their heels .
11 Then he pinned her against the wall , took up a karate stance and began punching her in the breast and armpit .
12 Frank took off his glasses and began to polish them in the sheet with enthusiasm .
13 When the young men came back and started to film her in the kitchen , she forgot every word she had learned .
14 Lady Grubb picked up her plate of junket and went to eat it in the drawing-room , shaking with a passion she did n't care to scrutinize because it contained not only fury but also amazement and fear .
15 Anyway it ended up in a fight and he started pushing me around and went to punch me in the stomach but I managed to stop him .
16 We broke into the single , locked cupboard , and although we only found some new clothes and shoes with jewellery stuffed up inside the toes we assured each other that Aisha received money from her lover and liked leaving me in the house with the children because it made it easier to cheat on her husband .
17 Simon , however , would n't hear of it , and had joined her in the kitchen to help with the dishes .
18 Parkin gave a brief account of the previous night in his bass voice , saying that he had spoken briefly to Nicola at the pub outside TV London before the party started , and had spotted her in the boardroom .
19 Commander Abigail was not a heavy drinker , but after his gloomy morning walk he had felt the need of consolation and had found it in the Disraeli Lounge of the Queen Victoria Hotel .
20 Maureen said she had got the keys back and intended to try them in the desk , to see whether they were a duplicate set and her father 's complaints could have been justified .
21 Gordon Jackson , QC , defending , said that the accused had not plunged the knife directly into Mr Kerr nine times , but had stabbed him in the course of the struggle .
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