Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Polybius explains in Book 3 why he proposes to extend his exposition to cover the next twenty years by saying : " Since judgements regarding either victors or vanquished based purely on the actual struggles are not final …
2 You can slide the grill pan full of their favourite sausages under the high level Sola grill and when it 's all cooked and so evenly browned the Apex 's large 2 handled grill pan pulls forward and can be either lifted right out , or left to sit safely on the safety stops .
3 Nearly all were undertaking their own personal therapy or had done so in the past , and all were appropriately supervised .
4 The grounds of appeal were , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had exercised their discretion to award costs on the wrong principles as it had not been shown that the local authority had acted in bad faith or unreasonable in the performance of its statutory duties or had acted unreasonably in the conduct of the proceedings before the court ; ( 2 ) there were no circumstances which justified the making of the costs order ; ( 3 ) the justice should have found that there were good reasons for the local authority to be concerned about the father 's ability to care for the children , the local authority was not bound to adopt the view of the guardian ad litem and the local authority had communicated the decision not to oppose the father 's application within a reasonable time on receiving the report of the guardian ad litem ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to assume that the change in the view of the local authority amounted to an admission that the views of the local authority had been wrong all the time .
5 In Chapters 5 and 6 we counted only those paths which spanned the entire utterance , anchoring the beginning of the search at the left-hand end and ignoring all paths that failed to match through to the right-hand end .
6 Britain prefers absolute standards , which would exclude all products that failed to come up to the minimum acceptable level .
7 Many of the changes that helped to bring about in the 1970s a new , more fragmented and more intractable congress would have happened irrespective of the misdemeanours of the Nixon administration .
8 Mrs Reynolds was in the doorway , almost ready herself to go to the wedding — she never missed a wedding or a funeral — but seeing the procession that approached withdrew back into the shadows of the room to observe better the old cockerel go by followed by his dismayed pullets .
9 He pointed back down the road to where his travelling companion was still approaching , having adopted a method of riding that involved falling out of the saddle every few seconds .
10 Luciano Bartocci 's office was tall and narrow , with shelves of books that seemed to lean inwards like the sides of a chimney as they rose towards the distant ceiling .
11 Desire was a leaping sheet of flame now , consuming Maria , the erotic furnace their mouths had become only an imitation of an inward eruption of molten passion that seemed to flow outward from the secret heart of her need , enveloping her utterly .
12 The country was smaller than Wales , only one fortieth the size of California ; the ridge-line of mountain peaks provided Lebanon 's epic dimensions , plateaus of snow that seemed to reach up to the moon on winter nights .
13 the train had made its imperceptible departure and was rolling along again past the uninhabited infinity of rocks and lakes and conifers that seemed to march on to the end of the world .
14 No one who went to foreign language movies in the late Sixties will easily forget the extraordinary films that seemed to pour out of the state-owned studios of Czechoslavakia .
15 So in 1950 the American , Hillary Waugh , impressed by a volume of real murder cases he had picked up , not so much because of the horrific details the author had dwelt on as by the tone of authenticity that seemed to arise naturally from the accounts of the cases , decided to write a fictional crime story catching as much as he could of this real-life feel .
16 Our very own Adventures deal in all the things that seemed to go AWOL in the late 80s — luscious harmonies , strong guitar driven songs with big big choruses , all topped with strong echoes of classic 60s pop .
17 There were weeks of unremitting frost , occasional snowstorms , and periods of rain that seemed to soak right through the body to chill the bones .
18 The organ could not approach this strangled cry that came welling up from the bowels , from the primitive consciousness of life , of pain , of joy ; the long , tortured note that slowly unwound your intestines to be twanged by the electric guitarist .
19 Finally she dived through the alley by the Revuebar and into the market on Berwick Street , a drab thoroughfare enlivened by a sudden riot of colour in the narrow sunlight that came slanting down between the buildings — the yellow awnings over the stalls , the bright shades of new fruit , the brilliant white of new cardboard .
20 Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder and the heavens burst sending us scuttling into the woods for shelter , but it was n't long before the rain got through and drenched us with miniature Niagaras that came cascading down from the broad leaves .
21 It was his goal that knocked United out of the Coca-Cola Cup , and Atkinson added : ‘ Saunders is the best natural striker I 've ever worked with .
22 Disconnected , their instrument of memory fails to record anything of those common night-time moments that preceded lying down in the marital bed .
23 And , unfortunately , that meant going along with the Khedive .
24 Along with many a public body that felt pushed around by the Tories , the BBC must have gone to bed on April 8 with dreams of a quieter life on the night ; already swinging , as it were , in the hammock slung for them by a hung parliament .
25 Leaning forward I had a view of it in the side mirror , the bend we had just rounded obliterated by a great mass of avalanching rock and mud that went spilling down over the edge to disappear into the cloud vapour below .
26 He 's bowling with considerable pace there , did Lawrence , that wicket 's cheered him up and he was rushing in , he 's got his line right , round that off stump and plays a bit of a open face anyway , so those in the slip Gordon beware and the one that did get an edge , it flew through , both Ian Botham who 's at second and Graham Gooch , they both stand pretty close , they work on the theory that it 's better to drop them then to have them bouncing in front of you , but they could have been about five yards deeper in that , the one , that , that went flying through with the character .
27 OVER THE past 20 years the West Indian pace attack has systematically demolished every batting line-up that dared turn up at the same ground .
28 Although the level of the river had begun to drop , there was no corresponding decrease in the rain that continued to pour out of the skies .
29 It was the end of a trail which had had its beginnings in those first rumblings of Henry Fairlie against the Establishment and Malcolm Muggeridge against the Monarchy ; a trail that had led on through the Angry Young Men and all the resentments sown by Suez , through the heyday of affluence , through all the mounting impatience with convention , tradition and authority that had been marked by the teenage revolution and the CND and the New Morality , through the darkening landscape of security scandals and What 's Wrong With Britain and the rising aggression and bitterness of the satirists , in ever more violent momentum .
30 So far as the law of affray is concerned , the provision in section 3(5) that the offence may be committed in private as well as in public states the existing law on the point , and arguably ‘ corrects the error ’ that had crept in to the law a century or so earlier .
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