Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] [pers pn] [be] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If there has been little theoretical change , or if they are works of art in their own right — and especially if they are decorative — then illustrations can have a useful life much longer than the text which accompanied them .
2 It must be difficult if you had someone who wanted to go out all the time or if they 're sort of really living it up or something I mean
3 Everybody wants to hear you because they are your friends , or because they are friends of the happy couple and want to hear what you have to say about them .
4 And the they 're a cross between sort of primitives and and er I , I do n't know whether they are ethnic paintings but , or whether they 're sort of child-like primitive drawings or what they are , but
5 It can sometimes be difficult to determine whether the patient is ill-tempered and perhaps foulmouthed towards you because of the immediate effects of his illness and the frustration he feels , especially if he can not speak normally , or whether it is part of a personality change which is going to last indefinitely .
6 erm I do I do n't , I mean I do n't know how accurate it is or whether it 's sort of , you know , a set of figures they decided to put on .
7 He thought of Julian in her drab housewife 's gown , with her still , tense body and her hungry eyes , and he said , hardly knowing why , or whether it was mischief in him or mercy : ‘ If you need me , apply to the girl .
8 He said on the old shillings I want Neil 's bed but it were n't that cos he 's bit of a fun to , you know , you know
9 On this occasion , he said that if he were Secretary of State he would introduce compulsory competitive tendering only in extremis .
10 You know that if it 's sort of an open space , it 's just after the .
11 Therefore I am not able to suggest to you , and have n't been able to in my evidence which district even a new settlement er ought to go in , but I have to say that if it were part of your deliberations that you should choose a particular district , er then it is not part of my submission that you should not choose a particular district , but my bottom line is that the policy wording should at least ensure that there is commitment to a new settlement and it is inescapable on behalf of the district planning authorities , the last thing that we would want is the possibility of going round the districts , and the last one to produce a district wide plan is the one that has to get the new settlement , that seems to be a gen , fairly unsatisfactory way of proceeding , and each one should have to consider that as part of their certification process .
12 There never was a time when so many could get about so quickly , comfortably , and with so little effort as we can now ( except when they were infants in arms ) .
13 He cleared his throat , casting about for something to say which would indicate that though he was game for anything , he nonetheless knew how to keep his hands to himself .
14 I know perfectly well that when he was chairman of the Greater London council he wanted an elected police authority , and I think that he wanted to be chairman of it
15 Well because I was in the office I got a pound a week , you see , and the , do you know the Manageress there who , she was the Manageress then sorry , I 've got a photograph and she said that when she was Manageress at Colchester and she only got fifteen shillings a week
16 Does my right hon. Friend agree that as we are leaders in many forms of oil technology we have every reason to expect that we shall get some good export orders for that technology ?
17 And think of the climate — more people will want to spend their holidays with you than when you were MP for Ribble Valley . ’
18 Henry II , moreover , had performed homage while King and although it was homage for his continental possessions and not for his kingdom , this was a step to which none of his predecessors as Kings of England had ever steeled themselves .
19 And if it is part of the head 's job to assist in that process , it should be part of the teacher 's professional equipment to respond to stimuli and opportunities to do more ( J. M. Worrall , conversation , 1990 ) .
20 And if you 're $10,000 in debt , and $10,000 comes along — why , then all your worries disappear .
21 I will reply a little more freely , because you are who you are ; and because it is Gustave of whom I speak .
22 He went on to say that another enduring reality lies in America 's interests across the Atlantic — expanding the definition of across-the-Atlantic to include the Middle East , both because of its considerable economic resources and because it was home to some of ‘ our closest friends ’ .
23 And providing you 're sort of enthusiastic enough and you actually put the time in and the effort , then people respond .
24 And providing you 're sort of enthusiastic enough and you actually put the time in and the effort , then people respond .
25 Their current fund , which is open to new investors , is the Performance Fund and since it 's launch in January 1987 , it has produced an average annual growth rate of over 19% .
26 All this is taking place while the Prime Minister has had his present job and while he was Chancellor of the Exchequer .
27 And before it was sort of like the tech it was mainly erm sort of post graduate retr er sort of training centre for sort of science erm science graduates
28 But this lad make a mistake and he come down to the my sisters house , and my sister and her husband took him in and he 'd fallen and cut his brow , and after he was kind of sobered up he turned down and he said Not a story about this now James .
29 In any study being undertaken , the first thing to be done is the obvious one of finding out what organisations exist and whether they are part of a national body — such as the Women 's Institute , Mothers ' Union , Guides or Scouts — or purely local , such as the Film Club or the Debating Society .
30 If the hon. Gentleman sends the evidence , we will examine it to see what happened in that case , and whether it is evidence of a larger problem .
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