Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All I wish to do here is to suggest that there are other ways of understanding or looking at extremes of penitential life which can suggest in them sources , not of neurotic repression but of freedom and self-ownership .
2 It was when they started being invited out for dinner , or going to restaurants for special occasions , that she remembered he knew about different kinds of food .
3 However , by simply being Mr Decent , ie by not declaring a desire to eliminate his opponents , or referring to expressions of social concern as ‘ drooling and drivelling ’ and people who care as ‘ moaning minnies ’ , John Major had put down a slender but steady plank for enough people to cross from a public culture of concern and responsibility to a private preference for Conservative government .
4 In addition , there are numerous foreign graduates from the Continent and elsewhere with considerable linguistic skills selling hamburgers or working as waiters with poor pay and no social recognition or status .
5 It suggests that translating between languages with different priorities and different types of syntactic restrictions necessarily involves a great deal of skewing of patterns of information flow .
6 Bright young engineers from rival firms are attracted to Keyence by the chance to do their own research , rather than labouring for years under grey-haired supervisors .
7 Myeloski , although dealing with kidnappers in other cases , had never known how the hostages survived their isolation and their fear .
8 It can only realize its full potential when , at a school level , head and senior staff are actively committed to its use and prepared to involve themselves in discussion sessions , demonstrating , by example , allegiance to the notion that talking about areas of personal anxiety , confusion and failure is an essential part of professional development for all .
9 Much better than sitting in pubs with young girls or even drinking with one 's colleagues , the hastily snatched pint of bitter before they caught their trains home to their wives .
10 This fragmentary evidence could not , strictly speaking , be regarded as cumulative , being based on a variety of different criteria and deriving from children with varying degrees of residence in Britain , to mention just two complicating factors .
11 A vital ingredient on any trip to the sub-continent is morale — coping with Delhi belly , waiting for room service that never arrives and queueing for hours in chaotic airport terminals .
12 We are continuing to experience a significant er pressure from schools in terms of requests for form assessment and statementing of children with special educational needs .
13 It is worth trying the effect of combining various keys , by choosing a simple subject and experimenting with canons at various distances in various keys .
14 Within seconds , it was halfway between him and the place where the other five members of B shift were grouped together , discussing procedure and checking through stacks of domestic stores for Moloch Base .
15 The International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) had on Aug. 28 approved a standby arrangement authorizing purchases up to the equivalent of SDR35,000,000 ( US$50,000,000 ) , the first since July 1982 , in support of the government 's economic and financial programme aimed at reducing inflation , strengthening the balance of payments and contributing to projects for economic growth .
16 But Dent repeats that recycling may not always be the best option from an environmental viewpoint for managing waste in general and disposing of plastics in particular .
17 Quiet and conscientious , and operating at times under extreme duress and sometimes forced to make crucial decisions about his patients , he sought neither reward nor publicity for his work .
18 It is understood the NIO is studying the feedback from the intermediaries and looking at ways of improving investment , jobs and housing in Protestant areas .
19 It came in a stone mug , deliciously cold and wiping out in one mouthful the heat of the morning and the traces of last night 's headache ( he wondered briefly how the Engineer regiment was getting on in its battle positions ; by now they should be dug in and pausing for sips of lukewarm water or barely warmer tea .
20 Prior to the mid-nineteenth century , magazines such as Youth 's Monthly Visitor aimed their moral homilies at an undefined audience covering both sexes and ranging from children to young adults .
21 Whenever special committees were formed , they were to be ‘ in connection with the schools ’ and their duties were to include supervising conditions of labour , making recommendations as to continuation and technical education classes , forming ‘ a public opinion ’ against ‘ blind-alley ’ occupations , organizing apprenticeships , and caring for juveniles with special disabilities .
22 Also ‘ tried on ’ was encroaching on and hedging in parcels of common land and none could have offended more often than one Mephibosheth White .
23 To reduce surgical activity for glue ear the authors recommend a period of continued observation and testing in children with bilateral hearing impairment of 25 dB or more .
24 One might write at some length on the implications of libidinal fixation in the ways in which people regard and handle finance ( the interested reader is recommended to the work of Freudian and neo-Freudian writers in this respect ) while the symbolic connection of financial success and power with sexual puissance and virility , or the part which is played by earning and providing in terms of masculine role-fulfilment , will be reasonably evident .
25 At the same time a regional general strike took place in Rome and the Lazio region , involving 3,500,000 public employees and resulting in clashes between militant demonstrators , trade union officials and police during which 60 people were injured and about 100 arrested .
26 The proceeds should fund the creation of extra jobs in the construction of crime , fire and rot-resistant housing , the improvement of public transport , a strengthening of the law enforcement agencies , supervision of school areas against bullying , removal of litter and graffiti from public places , and labouring in schemes of environmental improvement .
27 Selection of quotations for which entries are needed and sorting into senses by senior staff .
28 After nine years of working with elderly people over 65 and coming across cases of physical abuse without a definition or context , she carried out a study between 1988 and 1989 .
29 And they watched the living cloud of electricity which surrounded them flickering and dancing with fingers of thin white crepuscular power ; they watched the spidery web of frosted white fire greedily dancing and exploring the windows .
30 The glass-fronted doors of the dining rooms were constantly opening and shutting and letting in draughts of cold morning air with the busy comings and goings of workers and their loud , raucous banter .
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