Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [pron] at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 PostScript sacrificed performance for flexibility and , as a result , is capable of taking the same original information and producing it at any output resolution ; 72 , 300 , 1270 or 2540dpi .
2 The Capitulary of Thionville in 805 , for instance , forbids usury , the kind of usury which involved buying cheap corn in quantity and selling it at excessive profit in times of scarcity .
3 Sarah would not take a flying run , but with John and Nora running and holding her at each side , just catching the fringes of the grass , she had her stately share , too .
4 Registry staff must be able to process information without introducing delays , whether it is receiving data from a student and subsequently providing an updated record for that student or taking a request from a lecturer for a list and providing it at short notice or processing an offer made by an admissions tutor so that the candidate hears from PCAS as quickly as possible .
5 They then began to play a game which involved tearing pieces off the aircraft and hurtling them at each other .
6 As a critical or psychological judgement it is meaningless , since it is difficult to see how a conductor can reveal private soul-searching whilst recording the overture to Die Fledermaus or Beethoven 's Seventh Symphony , short , that is , of transposing each piece into the minor and playing it at half speed .
7 and repaying it at five percent interest or whatever is a rate of
8 but waking him at three months ' old
9 A regularly travelled long straight hill has a road sign at the bottom , now , when passing it at 50 mph , the Land Rover tops on the hill at 44 mph as opposed to 39 on two or four star fuel .
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