Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [pron] for [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 are the relatively simple techniques relating to the facts about costs and outputs — numbers of staff , numbers of applications dealt with capable of being developed to deal with far more complex questions about outcomes : what did this activity actually achieve , in terms of modernizing British industry … improving the nation 's health , or educating it for the 21st century ?
2 If the patina chemical is too strong , dilute with a little water and , if using it for the first time , do a test on a sample piece of copper .
3 He looked at her for a moment as if seeing her for the first time then paused , giving the question serious thought .
4 The man looked at the boys as if seeing them for the first time .
5 Julius looked at her jeans and T-shirt , as if seeing them for the first time .
6 Eddie 's gaze ran on round the room , taking in , as if seeing them for the first time , the stool and easel , the framed reproduction Leonardo drawings on the walls , the low divan bed .
7 Vincent looked at him , as if seeing him for the first time .
8 She looked up at Trent , as if seeing him for the first time : ‘ I 'd have drowned if you 'd left me on the Key . ’
9 He moved round and joined them and stared intently at the portrait as if seeing it for the first time .
10 Sam looked at the revolver as if seeing it for the first time .
11 Charles found he was watching much of the play as if seeing it for the first time .
12 There Rowicki created the Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra , building it from scratch and directing it for the next five years .
13 ‘ We had set a target of £600,000 to cover buying the equipment and running it for the first couple of years , ’ she said .
14 She moved past them , smiling at Axel , as if welcoming him for the first time .
15 At once she burst into tears and hugging me for the first time in years ( it seemed ) , cried , ‘ If only I had their faith ! ’
16 But seeing him for the first time was like when you buy a new make of car you never noticed that kind before , then you realise they 're all over the place .
17 He glared up at me as though seeing me for the first time .
18 As in all societies , ritual is particularly important when meeting someone for the first time .
19 Patients will often be your greatest ally when testing yourself for the first time .
20 At present , Akeakamai can understand sentences of up to five words , and can understand commands even when hearing them for the first time .
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