Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [art] [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or catching the ferry for Gibraltar ?
2 You may find yourself writing detailed advertisements for an insurance company specific enough to find favour with their actuaries , or inventing a reason for people to buy a particular chocolate bar .
3 Similarly children have been spaced or limited when required by a variety of means ( e.g. abstinence after the birth of a child , or delaying the age for cohabitation ) .
4 ( 1 ) In granting or refusing an application for leave to apply for a section 8 order , the court is not determining a question with respect to the upbringing of the child concerned .
5 Many skills such as ploughing , using a scythe , working with horses , or developing an eye for livestock may take years to attain ; the later in life you come to it , the slower the progress .
6 An exhibition may be aimed at creating new marketing ideas or providing an arena for marketing .
7 What is required ideally is an intelligent decision-making subsystem capable of sampling feedback and effecting or signalling the need for change at every level of the Modular Course which is capable of seriously affecting quality .
8 For instance , clauses restricting liability for late delivery , allowing for variation of the delivery date or tolerances in relation to the quantity to be delivered , clauses enabling the proferens to substitute alternative goods for those ordered , to withhold performance of its obligations or vary the terms of the contract , and force majeure clauses excusing non-performance , or extending the time for performance in the event of circumstances outside the proferens ' control , and possibly even clauses giving one party the right to withhold performance , or terminate the contract , in the event of breach by the other party , are all potentially subject to s3 .
9 Killing Newley still seemed desirable , if far-fetched , like becoming a millionaire or finding a cure for cancer .
10 The casual shooting of a chimpanzee or a horse is surely regarded as more reprehensible than routinely stepping on a beetle or laying a trap for mice .
11 a taxi which is being used for seeking hire , or answering a call for hire ; or
12 He rejected the argument that keeping the facility for steers in Barnard Castle would be costly , saying it only involved a bit of paperwork by one of the officials at the mart .
13 An editorial recently went so far as to say that more important than establishing a framework for research and development was doing something about the failure to disseminate and apply existing knowledge .
14 My third point is to remind you that fixing a criterion for non-intervention amounts to setting the moral agenda for the treatment of VLBW babies .
15 Until recently the arts have placed too much emphasis on educating non-disabled people rather than providing a medium for communication with each other .
16 McIlvanney says that Stein , who worked as a miner until he was 27 , ‘ understood that having a talent for sport can be a matter of luck , not merit .
17 In 1977 , when I joined the organization , it was more than apparent that the other women did not have the remotest idea about women 's liberation , felt that doing the cooking for men was their political contribution , etc .
18 Through their involvement , rather than creating a platform for development , people were letting the government off the hook by attempting to find superficial and limited solutions to deep-rooted structural problems .
19 A proactive stance is essential in terms of setting and maintaining the mood for change across the various agencies of justice .
20 ‘ As a result , important gas reserves will now be produced into the next century , benefiting the local population and completing an investment for LASMO which — Inshallah ! — has every prospect of providing well-earned profits in due course . ’
21 Robyn had somehow got into the position of cooking dinner , not wanting to admit that the simple process of preparing and cooking a meal for Luke filled her with dread .
22 It was the clubs which had to be dragged screaming into the national club competition , the All Ireland League , two seasons ago after dithering and delaying a decision for years .
23 Politically it was the awakening of these groups which was most important , for as Professor Christie has concluded : and opening the way for developments that would only mature in the years after Waterloo .
24 Shouting ‘ Long live democracy ’ and singing the ‘ Internationale ’ , they were in some ways evoking the spirit of ‘ May Fourth ’ and paving the way for others to take in following years .
25 But getting rid of the TV and keeping the bedroom for sex could be the best cure of all .
26 Traditionally in summer they were based ashore , living in skin tents and sod huts , hunting and fishing from skin canoes ( kayaks and family-sized umiaks ) among the ice floes , trapping fish at weirs and stone barriers in the rivers , and searching the tundra for caribou , musk oxen , smaller game , birds , eggs and berries .
27 This particular initiative in community education , although building on a period of active community involvement , set out at an early stage to involve local residents in controlling the educational programme and establishing a structure for participation which , it was hoped , would avoid the sort of elitism which beset the WEA .
28 A great deal of time and energy has gone into dealing with anomalies and revising the formula for funding so that it distributes more fairly on the basis of need .
29 ‘ Well , to be honest , by now I expected you to be shrugging your shoulders and turning the car for home .
30 Making this substitution in P2/T4 and adding a row for z 2 gives P2/T5 .
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