Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [adj] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Robert did n't say I must go back to work after the baby ’ , Lucy told me , ‘ but he began to be reluctant about switching on electric fires and looking disapproving if I did ’ .
2 So I 'm sitting and getting worse if I opened my eyes it went like that , the whole fucking sky was going round .
3 Dad had been right ; it was foggy and getting thicker so I had to slow down because I could n't see where I was going .
4 Erm what I 'm doing basically is er putting on as many exhibitions as I can using the centre 's name and making sure that I 've got a good amount of my work in there , although I do n't push anybody else out .
5 The only things I think about are calorie-counting and weighing myself , and making sure that I do n't put on the weight I 've lost , and passing my O levels .
6 The lamp-smudges seemed to swim towards me , dipping and swaying off-centre as I approached them My legs were trembling and when I put my hand against my face it was burning , and yet clammy .
7 Having sized up the competition and feeling confident that I had nothing to fear , I boldly took a step forward , grabbed a morsel of soap and proceeded to scrub away .
8 I 'm not always very good at saying what I mean , except at work , that is ; I 've been to Europe and the States but never to Nineveh and Distant Ophir ; I do n't have much time — literally — for the arts , though I 'm not against them in any way , you understand ( sometimes there 's a nice concert on the car radio ; like most people I read a book or two on holiday ) ; and I do n't give much of a thought to my clothes beyond looking smart at work and feeling comfortable when I get home .
9 I am grateful for the opportunity to put the Government 's views on the matter , but underlying all that I have said is a fundamental conviction that the education system , not social security benefits , should provide for the maintenance of students .
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