Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [noun] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 From time to time fringe elements in MI6 dream up hare-brained schemes like the plot to assassinate President Nasser of Egypt , or sending midget submarines into the Russian naval base at Leningrad .
2 We have had a very good year , thanks to the indefatigable Bugs sitting behind me , who is either fitting the boats out or going to New Zealand to win races or taking Guide Dogs for the Blind sponsored trips round greek flotillas er everything comes to him readily .
3 The number of mature students returning to study after years of work or undertaking retraining programmes in the colleges has grown and is likely to continue to do so .
4 Instead of using lumps of lead with the shape of the required letters moulded into their surface or spinning glass disks with the letters etched into them , the world was going digital .
5 To the extent that maximising profits conflicts with the public interest , the solution from this perspective is not to modify corporate objectives , but to strengthen the limiting conditions within which companies are required to operate .
6 The document , leaked to the Unemployment Unit , also suggests that making Restart courses for the unemployed ‘ compulsory for certain groups could help the service deal with more poorly-motivated clients ’ .
7 In some applications the infra red sources and detectors are placed around the edge of the visual display unit , a cheaper method of providing an interactive screen than embedding touch pads into the glass .
8 Lack of accurate records of storms and waves in the North Sea means engineers can not assess the need for building and repairing sea walls along the east coast of Britain , according to a mathematician from the University of Bristol , Howell Peregrine .
9 It is based on a study of flashing light and vibrating pad alarms at the Radcliffe Hospital and Infirmary , Oxford .
10 Israel responded to the fighting by moving troops into its self-declared " security zone " in southern Lebanon and launching artillery attacks on the Shia battle-grounds .
11 Attach the arms and legs to the body by placing them in position under the body section and pushing paper fasteners through the holes .
12 Thus it may perform the effective address calculation from the operand and addressing mode fields of the extracode , before entering the supervisor .
13 ( b ) A second possibility , which makes better use of the instruction length , is to calculate an effective store address from the operand and addressing mode fields in the instruction in the normal way ( for example , by adding the contents of an index register ) .
14 There were no significant differences between mean latencies to turn on , and between mean UPDRS and tapping test scores in the on-phase .
15 Protectionist measures were enacted to ensure the republic 's food stocks , including freezing the commodity exchange and establishing customs posts along the borders with the RSFSR and Moldavia , as well as banning the export of above-plan produce to other republics until Ukraine had completed its state purchase .
16 The National Toxicology Programme which is jointly run by the main federal agencies responsible for public health , is charged with developing and promoting toxicology tests in the US .
17 Fran hurried from the room , then took her time filling the glass with tonic and adding ice cubes from the freezer , wanting to get back on to an even keel before she went back and faced him .
18 On the morning after that first sexual experience we walked after breakfast up the street , past gossiping garden gates and twitching lace curtains to the fields at the top .
19 II General aim : to complete work on estimation , simulation and testing Liverpool models of the UK .
20 The company is based on a novel concept of direct selling , which involves representatives knocking on doors with catalogues and selling household goods on the back of it .
21 To make it suitable for public use improvements will need to be made including resurfacing the stone route — this will also make it suitable for wheelchairs — and installing metal railings by the path .
22 I have emphasized the part played by people like Jack Johnson in uplifting the morale of other blacks and providing reference points for the ambitions of many , and I will argue for the importance of successful black sportsmen in galvanizing blacks ' interests .
23 The hierarchy , often in the hands of the liberals , has promoted reform programmes , such as technical training for peasants and the forming of cooperatives in the shanty towns , become involved in politics through the reformist Christian Democrat party and opposed the brutalities of the military regime since 1973 , by speaking out openly against their excesses and providing soup kitchens for the needy .
24 He looked no happier when the Kent innings resumed , playing and missing several times before getting a touch to a magnificent Marshall delivery and providing Bobby Parks with the first of two catches .
25 The passenger and apron services staff are responsible for some cargo handling , ensuring that standards of safety on the airfield can be maintained and providing portering facilities to the travelling public .
26 It did to some extent aggregate demands and turn them into viable policy issues , and it also acted as a downward channel of communication , explaining and rationalizing government policies in the hope of their greater acceptance by the citizens .
27 This reached a peak with the military regime ( 1968-.80 ) which , in order to raise standards through self-help , improved many settlements by installing city services , handing out land titles and strengthening community organisations through the training of local leaders .
28 6.2 The Publisher shall be responsible for commissioning any artwork and obtaining stills shots from the video components of the Work for use in the preparation of the books components of the Work and the cost shall be borne by the Publisher .
29 The children , Katie , 12 , Liza , nine , Jamie , eight , and four-year-old Harriet , help with the cooking , stirring the cake mixture and putting 5p pieces in the pudding .
30 Some of the fiercest controversy about the pressure on land has focused on the issues of housing and housing land shortages in the south which have accompanied the economic boom in the region and social changes leading to an increasing number of households .
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