Example sentences of "[conj] [num] [noun pl] the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Demonstrations might prove to be a good way of teaching small groups of about five or six students the use of various tools used for information retrieval .
2 For example , from 1973 to 1978 the money supply rose by 306 per cent , while the cost of living rose by 123 per cent ; thereafter , for five or six years the rate of growth of the money supply was less than the rate of increase of prices , especially in 1981 and 1983–5 .
3 According to electroweak theory , and using results from these other experiments , the W particle should have a mass of 80 giga electron volts ( Geff , or 80 times the mass of the proton .
4 steel , which is four or five times the strength of the steels in common use .
5 At a meeting of the Cairngorm Club he told a hushed audience ‘ For every few steps I took I heard a crunch as if someone was walking after me but taking steps three or four times the length of my own .
6 Landau pointed out that there was another possible final state for a star , also with a limiting mass of about one or two times the mass of the sun but much smaller even than a white dwarf .
7 In figure 8.1 , we could have expressed the differentials between service and working class as a ratio rather than a difference ; service class children had 0.719/0.237 or 3.03 times the chance of attending a selective school of some kind than working class children did .
8 In the USA , the financing of unusually high federal government deficits ( averaging over $150 billion throughout the 1980s ) has produced a government bond market of a size equivalent to more than £1,000 billion or more than eight times the size of the UK government bond market .
9 Assuming a generational period of , say , twenty-five years , they would have gone through 5½ million generations — more than fifty times the prehistory of Man .
10 The estimated actual AIDS figure was more than three times the total of reported cases , which had reached 418,403 from 163 countries .
11 ‘ In the year to October 1991 the average price of a pint of beer went up by about 13pc , more than three times the rate of inflation .
12 This is well demonstrated in the 14-year prospective Framingham Study , for individuals younger than 50 years the risk of coronary heart disease increased over 5-fold with increasing serum cholesterol levels from 4.6–8.7 mmol/l ( Kannel et al , 1979 ) .
13 Kathy 's in Perth is one of only two shops in WA devoted to machine knitting — in a state more than ten times the size of the UK .
14 The two American editions — Pretence-Hall and Abrams — are more than ten times the size of the British one .
15 For more than ten years the membership of the National Council for Mother Tongue Teaching has kept itself informed through newsletters and regular conferences such as the one on Teacher Training held at Lancashire Polytechnic in 1985 , and the one on Language Teaching Techniques held at Nottingham Language Centre in 1986 .
16 Outer and Inner Mongolia together are more than 13 times the size of mainland Britain .
17 The number of therapists who belong to professional bodies in the UK is increasing by 12 per cent per year , which is more than five times the rate of increase of medical doctors .
18 Yet peas , extolled by advertisers for their tenderness , in fact contain more than four times the fibre of celery , weight for weight .
19 This was the equivalent of more than four times the population of London in 1851 .
20 The new nature reserve will be the area of Middlesbrough and more than seven times the size of Hyde Park .
21 Jupiter 's mass is 317.893 M E , which is more than times the mass of all the other planets put together .
22 In general , it is reasonable to assume that a simple transcription in traditional orthography ( that is , without using phonemic symbols or a phonetic transcription ) will take between four and six times the length of the original recording .
23 At the end of the Boulevard there sits the enormous Catherine Palace , baroque and three times the size of the Alexander Palace .
24 The latest big rises to leading businessmen a 17.6pc rise for British Gas chairman Robert Evans and an 11.3pc rise for ICI boss Sir Denys Henderson are four and three times the rate of inflation respectively .
25 For instance , the single entry in the English annals of the monastery between 1100 and 1109 records the inspection of the body of St Elphege in 1105 , and the discovery that it was incorrupt .
26 And Bubbles — real name Patricia — died after accidentally taking twice the amount she should have done … and five times the level of a drug that was supposed to wean her off them , a Westminster inquest heard yesterday .
27 He was a radical and five times the Mayor of Bedford , remaining on the council until 1892 , when he was voted out by the Conservatives ( who expressed personal regret ) .
28 Each contained around 100lb of Semtex high explosive , five times as much as was used to demolish the Grand Hotel , Brighton , during the 1984 Conservative conference and 40 times the size of an average car bomb .
29 The rises are between three and four times the rate of inflation .
30 When the vibration detector in its leg was tested in a laboratory , it could perceive movements as small as 2000 times the diameter of a hydrogen atom .
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