Example sentences of "[conj] [num] [pron] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This allows the centre to offer students , for whom the full degree programme may not be appropriate , the opportunity to work towards an end point at Year 1 or 2 which carries a qualification awarded by SCOTVEC on a national basis and which , through SCOTVEC 's efforts in negotiating national recognition agreements for its awards , has currency in the employment marketplace .
2 When I was fifteen or sixteen I found a confirmation of my interest in what it is to take on your own past in some of Sartre 's work .
3 Moving on now to some of the other facilities and controls to be found on camcorders , there are one or two which deserve a mention here because of the way in which they speed up and simplify their operation .
4 This in turn provides a partial edge for rule ( r1 ) between positions 0 and 2 which requires a verb , V , to complete it etc .
5 β is varied between -1.0 and +0.5 which implies a range of -3 to +2Wm -2 for Q s ( -1.3 to +0.8% irradiance change ) .
6 Administratively , the most innovative measures were the local government statutes of 1864 and 1870 which established a network of elected provincial and district zemstvos and city dumas outside the regular bureaucracy .
7 On pages 3 and 4 we provide a summary of some of the major new qualifications recently introduced or under development in the following areas :
8 In 1976 and 1977 I published a number of papers in pragmatics , and these I eventually revised to make a book , Explorations in Semantics and Pragmatics , published by John Benjamins ( Amsterdam ) in 1980 .
9 This will be a home for 30 people between the ages of 17 and 25 who need a start , ’ said Mr King .
10 This will be a home for 30 people between the ages of 17 and 25 who need a start , ’ said Mr King .
11 In America , however , there was consternation at this , the first advance by the Red Army beyond the conquests made in World War II , and one which signified a threat to the already troubled Persian Gulf .
12 Thus a Hawk which met a Hawk would produce 8 offspring , and one which met a Dove 12 offspring .
13 On the first of January nineteen hundred and one they formed a federation and most adult aborigines were
14 In the situation where the investor has spotted an asset with factor loadings of 0.71 and 0.82 which has a return of less than 12.9 per cent , an arbitrage portfolio may be created by short selling the overpriced asset and investing the proceeds in the above efficient portfolio .
15 Hence a partial NP edge has been found between positions 0 and 1 which requires a noun , N , to complete it .
16 Between 1941 and 1945 it created a following for itself which has never been equalled since and certainly did not exist at any time prior to 1941 .
17 Between 1934 and 1937 it invalidated a string of measures initiated by President Roosevelt and passed by Congress to attempt to deal with the economic depression , while between 1954 and 1963 it made a series of decisions regarding the rights of blacks far in advance of anything that could obtain strong presidential and congressional support .
18 As early as 1845 he surveyed a line for a railway crossing the Grampian mountains between Perth and Inverness , but the Bill presented to Parliament , requesting permission , was defeated in 1846 on the grounds of impracticality .
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