Example sentences of "[conj] [num] [prep] [pron] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I can not make it too abundantly clear that , under no circumstances whatsoever , will I support Mr Baldwin unless I know exactly what his policy is going to be , unless I have complete guarantees that such policy will be carried out if his party achieves office , and unless I am acquainted with the names of at least eight or ten of his most prominent colleagues in the next Ministry .
2 Gould , particularly where one of his most important and influential subscribers was concerned , felt exceedingly uncomfortable in the role of campaigner .
3 We would like you to join us for dinner , meet our friends , enjoy a glass of wine or two over something as simple as a plate of pasta , or as extravagant as a six course meal .
4 Obviously there was not much that any Government concerned in governing the United Kingdom could do to meet the wilder demands of the " Left is Right Group " , but , since it was never clear whether these were immediate demands or merely long-term hopes , Cabinet office for Carolan and Under — Secretaryships for one or two of his more articulate followers contrived to keep the group within the Parliamentary fold .
5 They can not accept that one of their most cherished foxes has been shot .
6 It was said that one of our very junior officers , with more enthusiasm than judgement , had been setting about a smuggler with the help of a dinghy oar when the " smuggler " yelled , " Stop it you silly b … ,
7 It can be no more tolerable than one of its most specific forms , behaviourism in psychology .
8 If I do n't manage the bedspread I know that my friend would really like a loose , plain , black sweater in fine wool for winter or a synthetic yarn for summer rather than one of my more dashing designer confections .
9 The Union for the Total Independence of Angola ( UNITA ) confirmed on March 6 that two of its most senior officials had left the organization .
10 It was lucky for the Bolshevik government , though not accidental , that two of its most suspected categories in local society were powerless in the Famine areas .
11 STOCKBROKERS : STILL WILLING AND EAGER Post-Big Bang , many stockbrokers are subsidiaries of larger financial groups , but more than 200 of them still welcome private client business
12 If you just born you 're free , at the age of five , fifteen percent is attacked , at the age of eight , it 's forty percent , and eight of you over forty , congratulations , you 're all got arteriosclerosis .
13 Up in the hills , at the place of marching water , I found Ashley Watt and one of her more exotic cousins .
14 And one of their most valuable assets is consummate flexibility .
15 Philip Pouncey 's death at the age of eighty in 1990 ( see The Art Newspaper No.3 , December 1990 , p. 2 ) robbed Old Master drawings studies of its greatest connoisseur and one of its most valued personalities .
16 The focal point is the Rathaus ( town hall ) , with a fine sixteenth-century tower that dominates the many charming houses in the vicinity , and one of its most striking houses offers a reminder that the Swiss have been at the business of looking after travellers for a long time .
17 It is sometimes referred to as a wide shot , and one of its most important uses is to establish the nature of a location in the minds of the viewers .
18 This meant that despite Meehan 's pardon , the proceedings to some extent would be a retrial of Meehan as well as a trial of Waddell ; and one of its more lunatic aspects was hearing Mr King-Murray as prosecuting counsel , who for two years had strenuously refused to entertain the notion of Meehan 's innocence and Waddell 's guilt , now deploying arguments to show that very thing ( although unlike Griffith-Jones at Ward 's trial , he did not seem to have his heart in it ) ; and conversely to hear Waddell 's counsel echoing the arguments of the prosecutor at Meehan 's trial to demonstrate Meehan 's guilt and Waddell 's innocence .
19 In June 1950 the Daily Express described him as ‘ at 32 the Royal College of Art 's youngest teacher , a brilliant exhibitioner in London and New York , and one of our most sought-after magazine illustrators ’ .
20 Impending death was an early subject , and one of his most accomplished schoolboy poems is ‘ The River ’ , based on an actual suicide .
21 Bremer collects gallstones , the middle-ear bones of Dwarfs and Halflings , preserved shrunken ears ( separated into male and female , nobles and commoners ) , and one of his more distressing habits is keeping one eyeball from each of his victims if at all possible .
22 Israel designed Avedon 's PORTRAITS ( 1976 ) and two of his most important exhibitions : JACOB ISRAEL AVEDON at the Museum of Modern Art , New York ( 1974 ) and a sensational exhibition of large-scale prints at the Marlborough Gallery in New York ( 1975 ) .
23 Science 's negative relation to the past emerges as one of its most distinctive and significant aspects , one which marks a complete break with the cumulative structures of the arts and social sciences .
24 The NSA has a huge operation in Britain which it regards as one of its most important listening posts , being strategically placed to eavesdrop not only on East Europe but West Europe as well .
25 So far as one of its most important components was concerned , early opera developed pari passu with solo song , but its evolution was controlled by other factors .
26 He regarded it as one of my most endearing qualities that I seemed to want nothing from him .
27 Hunt 's fine victory at Zandvoort , which I remember as one of his most controlled and patient races , also marked Hunt 's twenty-ninth birthday .
28 For nearly thirty years that crusade has been regarded as one of his least successful , whereas a later British Crusade at Earls Court in London in 1966 has always been seen as a triumph .
29 It seemed quite a tall order at the time but in practice it worked out well and proved to be a most enjoyable experience as well as one of our more memorable tours of duty .
30 She was on the point of ordering some of her people to hurry over to Acropolis Park to call in person , when one of her more canny officers , who had lost no time in searching the sector , arrived back at the Club .
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